Robert Francis O'Rourke 1 point behind Rafael Bienvenido Cruz in Texas

Your comment, even though it was meant to be humorous, sounds like it could have been crafted by weak lib mob members. Please tell me you aren’t serious, and understand the need to smack lib mobs and their candidates in the face with whatever one has immediately to hand.

Wagner understands the gravity of the consequences should the lib mob regain power. Do you?

Yes, but if he ran on his issues he would be even further behind. He’s got money and that Cruz isn’t all that popular. The more he runs on issues the worse it is going to be for him.
This is just another in a string of great lib hopes for Texas. Remember Wendy Davis? Remember the “Dream Team” before Wendy?
Great place for Dems to throw money away instead of where they need it, like Missouri.

I can’t picture Willie Nelson campaigning for Trump. Maybe Kanye should step up.

Willie Nelson already threw a rally for O’Rourke.

Nowhere on his ads is there anything about him being a Democrat.

Yes. I said I can’t see Willie Nelson campaigning for Trump, in response to Sneaky’s post…

Does Cruz run on being a Republican? Republicans here sure don’t.

“Hey Willie, if you campaign for Trump, he’ll legalize weed and give it to you free. And forgive your tax debts.”

“On the road again, just can’t wait to get on the road again…”

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Lol. Still not seeing it. :slight_smile:

Beto will lose, because he lacks Cruz’s courage and integrity.

Willie doesn’t care about politics.

I think he must, a little. Otherwise why do a rally with O’Rourke?

Weed and free BBQ. Come on man.

I think Willie’s a lib at heart.

Sure he is. He’s The Last Hippy. But he doesn’t really care about politics.

Maybe not on a day to day basis, but I think he cares about counteracting Trump.

Robbie isn’t running against Trump. Willie probably likes him because he rides a skateboard. They probably get high.

Lol, a skateboard. No he’s not running against Trump, but he certainly wouldn’t support most of Trump’s policies. I don’t doubt they get high. :slight_smile:

He will if he wants to represent Texas. Economic, not immigration.

Yeah, I can see the economics. I think if he wins, Tx will just be a stepping stone. I see him running for president. Maybe not 2020 but at some point.