Rittenhouse - "I Support BLM"

There are many, as they are a decentralized group, with local chapters.

And it would have mattered but obviously Brooks connection to BLM is peachy keen.

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Hey don’t forget the solitary confinement, not as much fun if the torture is left out.

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…and I gave you one who said absolutely disgusting things, proving you wrong again and all I heard back from you were crickets. Now…why is that? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Are they? Name 3.

By that claim, Hawk Newsome and this “activist” are indeed BLM leaders.

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It’s as if they all look like clowns for ignoring it. :man_shrugging:

That guy is a leader of a local chapter? Link?

Name 3 what?

You really are a lost cause. It’s a girl as the founders of BLM all were and her name is Ariel Atkins.

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Current leaders of BLM

They are a decentralized group with local chapters.

I thought you knew all about BLM.

Which chapter?


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Silence is violence


They have expanded all over the world but in the beginning, that wasn’t so and she was a leader from the very beginning. Learn something…

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It occurs to me that leftists cling to January 6 like it’s the only thing that matters because…with the Biden Harris administration creating a cluster ■■■■ with everything it touches they have nothing else.

They literally have to cling to the false narrative that “an insurrection (it wasn’t) nearly destroyed our government (it didn’t) serving as one of the most terrifying days in history (most of us have moved on and understand that the comparisons of 1-6-21 to the far more significant tragedies that have befallen our country are a damn joke).

But hey…when lyin hiden Joe Biden is your guy…you gotta grasp at whatever straws are available.


They really washed themselves up over these last 5 years. It’s just that they’re exhausted and can’t do much else. :wink:

How is his “classic flyover country upbringing” directly related to/predictive of his (ostensible) support for BLM?

Again, he is under duress with death threats hanging over his and his families heads.

This is gonna leave a mark for sure. :rofl:

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