Riots in England

Well the Tories have been in charge until a couple of weeks ago.

Apparently that’s the only lie someone can make. :roll_eyes:

He is on audio saying that along with a string of racial epitaphs.

I will give PJW this… he was the only one at Infowars with enough sense to say that they should stop with the Sandy Hook thing.

It’s why he never got sued over it.

He’s a minor figure on what’s going on he is an easy scapegoat. I don’t have a dog in this fight, but it’s not hard to see a situation like this barreling out of control from decades of discontent on migration.

Regardless if you’re on the other side of the aisle on this situation, there’s a lot of people very upset with the immigration levels that have been ignored or labeled one of the three words, racist, a populist, or far right. If I see those words, I know the conversation is over. I no longer wish to engage in conversation with the other.


The Tories are a failure and they deserved to be beat illegal. Immigration shouldn’t be partisan issue, imho.

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He literally had a rally in Trafalgar Square last week that attracted thousands before he skipped off to Cyprus.

The people who are rioting don’t want any immigration.

That’s one of the fallacies I’m already seeing that it’s just the “far right” that is rioting right now they might be the foot soldiers but there’s a lot of working class ordinary citizens on the streets right now as well. I’m seeing interviews with these people, they’re not Tommy Robinsons ilk.

While there’s obviously that type out there as well, there seems to be a lot of ordinary people out there, that’s just sick of it.


I think that immigrants are a scapegoat for quite a bit of things that were caused by Brexit which oddly enough was fueled by anti immigrant sentiment.

Considering the societal anger at immigration as a whole in Europe, where it’s always been complicated, is it really that hard for someone like him to rial everyone up?


Some of it is definitely brexit and just how poorly the British government has ran the country for twenty years.

You can’t promise everyone awesome healthcare and then defund it at every possibility using every excuse and then act surprised when those same young people get angry as ■■■■ that they don’t get the benefits their older siblings did just a few years earlier.

Then you have a bunch of power hungry sychophants telling them the reason your health care sucks compared to your older sister because of those damn Poles and damn Arabs. Not a surprise.

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Brexit has been a disaster for the UK. Now the clamour is for another referendum to go back into Europe.

We have David ■■■■■■■ Cameron to thank for that debacle.

Now moving onto Tommy Robinson who was mentioned in another post, that man is a racist, homophobic, piece of ■■■■ ■■■■■ I would not piss on him if he was in fire. A Horrible odious ■■■■■■■■■■■■ and he brings shame to Britain.

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I would love to see labour push that. They can explain why open borders is a good thing.

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Muse for a moment over how intellectually lazy and boxed in one has to be to sit and just automatically believe that every time something happens over there, it’s always (and only ever) this so-called “far right”. It may hurt your brain cells a bit, but you clearly have enough to spare. :wink:

It’s way past fallacy. At least those can be accidental. :man_shrugging:


Labour wont push it, Brexit ■■■■■■ up the UK but its going to be at least 15-20 years before another referendum.

One of the reasons the tories lost was because people realized the pack of lies they had been sold.

And as for the Rwanda plan, that was laughable, the tories spent millions on that absolute farce.

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What is the answer? how do we deal with migration? Climate change certainly is a factor…where once food could be grown, now it cannot…so people move…what do we do with them?

But how do you really feel? -')


I don’t know a lot about british politics, I do know that Brexit succeeded largely because of the EU’s open border policies. Immigration is still an issue. as much as people may claim they don’t like Brexit, what they don’t want more is returning to open borders.

a farce is not a factor

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I had to look it up to see what the rustles are all about.

Sure enough, I’ve never heard of him, and can’t even vaguely remember ever seeing him before.

So at least he’s not famous. :wink: