Riots in England

The butthurt ankle chewing IS about you. :person_shrugging:

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I just see the left rioting in UK I never see headline left-wing riots. Never. And google proves my point when you type in left-wing all you get is right-wing.

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Thats fine. The issue remains though that this isn’t American right.

If you want actually make it really fun these guys are lefties. Try taking away these guys universal healthcare and see how much worse the riots will be :blush:

I understand…I"m the one that’s been attempting/preaching to education people that American right/left spectrum is different then European right/left.

But that doesn’t change what people see…bias in media and there government.


I know you do. That’s why i engaged :blush:. And then somebody came in and started throwing boogers.

Sad but predictable, as is the fire in Rotherham. I assume that’s the same Rotherham 1500 girls were groomed and sold as sex slaves by Pakistanis?

Why are people surprised? We understand quite well when BLM or someone burns down a place because of past slavery a lot of countries in the west have been voicing opposition to illegal immigration for decades and nothing has been done. It’s sad, but to be honest, I’m surprised it hasn’t already happened.


This is an independent journalist I enjoy from England and here’s what he has to say about it.

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Why would I want to watch an Infowars flunky?

What compelling things does he have to say?

You guys are so weird about Britain. It’s one of the weirder things even now.

Tell them about how you believe you’re like genetically superior to Brits because they’re not real men because they didn’t have American gun laws.

yeah, they sort of are. This weird idea leftist have of most Muslims not supporting the radicals is really naive. Most support them.


You’re correct, “right wing” is always the boogeyman term used when things happen in Europe.

There is no left over there, and if they are, they’re perfect angels who’ve never done anything wrong. :rofl:


It’s weird how you hive members just belt out whatever catchphrases you’ve been told to use on any particular day. It’s like y’all can’t have a conversation without being told how to talk. :rofl:


And Tommy Robinson who has been stoking these riots is hiding out in Cyprus to avoid going to jail.

Great dude.

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If you watched, you would know what compelling things he has to say.

If you engage it with prejudice, you won’t have any chance to see if he does. :person_shrugging:


I stopped listening to him a long time ago because he tends to lie a lot… being an Infowars employee and all.

When he was caught on tape a couple of years ago saying that they should " press the button to wipe all the jews off the earth" you would think that everyone would realize he is a racist idiot and not worth listening to.

And people see you the same way.


Regardless of how dip doddle that dude is he’s not the cause of the riots

Has there ever been another issue that voters get ignored more on than immigration?



I haven’t called for the extermination of all Jews… so…

He kind of is.

He is the one who whipped up a fervor over the murder of the girls and claimed the murderer is a migrant when he was born in Wales.

He is facing jail time because he can’t stop making up stuff about Jamal Hijazi who he slandered for the usual racist reasons.