Riots in England

If global warming is real though, I’m gonna do everything I can to help warm things up. The heat weenies can go take a cold shower by themselves, I’ll be at the arctic beaches with the rest of the fun people. :rofl:


He is British pond life. Very well known in the UK.


That vote should have required a supermajority to pass. Something that big and far-reaching shouldn’t have been decided by a paper-thin majority.

A re-vote would likely reverse things – again, by a paper-thin majority.

What a mess.


Within those borders perhaps, but if you’re not wearing the crown, are you really a famous Brit at all? :wink:

Brexit was pushed with open borders, but the damage it did went so much deeper than anyone really anticipated. Basically the British forgot how intertwined their economy was with Europe by that point.

It’s the same reason I wouldn’t support the US just economically telling Canada and Mexico to go screw themselves. All three of our economies are heavily intertwined and we all depend on each other at this point.

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They are working class people who feel they’re not being listened to, or as they say replaced. The usual response the usual response they get is they’re racist or buck up this is globalism. But these people aren’t as stupid as their masters think they can see the same things are not happening in countries like India, China, and Japan. It’s a western phenomenon.

Hope I’m wrong but this is likely only the beginning.


If they think that these things are not happening in India they have to be ignorant. Not stupid.

It actually does happen in China because they have migrant issues too. China is home to millions of migrants

Japan is very very very complex to immigrate to but in 20 years they are going to open their borders. They are going to start running out of people to replace the retirees or at least that’s the trajectory today. That could change 20 years from now.

How does India and China handle their minority populations?

Well China handles the minority population like it does everything else through systemic control and corruption. Since it’s corruption towards migrants nobody is going to be weeding it out.

India handles it when it can reach the areas of migrant troubles. They have had massive and i mean massive migrant riots with hundreds of deaths. (Now some of those or may be most of those were also religious in nature but still). Otherwise it’s often a mob that reaches them not the government.

Will the EU still be there in 15-20 years when will the young Germans rise up and say they are tired of working to keep up people in southern Europe. I have noticed one thing outside of English countries, European countries have been shifting towards the right, if they are not English speaking.

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China has clamped down on their minority population, especially the Muslim communities. By and large, the only countries wanting to import the world are western countries. And that is at the government level, not at the people level who most have a divergent view on the subject as we can see in the UK right now.

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Germanys economy is slowing down. Badly. They are going to start blaming somebody but they may need that sweet sweet eu money.

They are not minority population per se. There are like 200m migrants in China. They cause problems



I was wrong

It’s now 300m

He’ll get back to you when he’s told how to respond.

At least he’s not trying his own like UnAmerican Scum!!! over here.


This is what happens with unrestrained immigration.


If a white dude killed 3 migrant kids and the migrants were having riots the lefties here would be supporting it from afar. There’s no sympathy for white victims however; the left hates whites.

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They keep them separated from the main population you surely know that. No one treats immigrants as good as the west and there’s a few people saying no immigrants are needed, what they’re saying is slow it down and stop the illegals.

I lived six months in Tokyo (intern) they are some of the nicest people in the world, but I could’ve never been Japanese whether I wanted to or not. They didn’t really want me in the Japanese area. We would mostly stay in the Roppongi area if we went out at night where the foreigners stayed. They want Japan to themselves I had zero problem with that and didn’t feel repressed.


For that matter, why only immigration. Let’s get out on the streets and riot over anything we disagree with. Is this how we want to conduct ourselves.
If you think violence is the way to solve political problems, we are heading back to a land time forgot.

They are not migrants.

It didn’t bother the American left for the bulk of 2020, nor the pro-Hamas antisemite protesters of 2024.