Right to bear arms 2A guaranteed?

The Right of the People to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed (to not limit or undermine).

My sister was murdered in 1988 in her house. She had no gun or any way to protect herself. Her murderer had acquired his guns on the black market.

Laws being passed can only put the good people at risk.

Do you think perps care about restrictive laws?

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So by this logic we should have no laws, right?

I mean, why have laws against burglary or embezzlement?

You think the bad guys care about such laws?

I’m sorry for your loss.

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Yeah that’s exactly what the OP said. :roll_eyes:

Yes… That is precisely what he said.

The contents of that post are stupid.

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That is precisely where we can take the logic of his statement.

When you can’t debate a topic, go for the stupid post.

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Shall I be allowed to troll people at the movie theater about fires? I have freedom of speech, is that right not guaranteed?

I don’t think an outright ban would be appropriate, but a license would be fine. Why can’t I own a fully automatic machine gun with silencer? I can, I just need a license.

No, that’s where you took it. And the contents of the post are stupid.

Laws exist to fulfill the due process requirements to punish after the fact.

There is no law that ever did, does or will stop a woman from being murdered in her own home.

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The question at the bottom of my post asks: do you think perps care about restrictive laws?

If they did, they wouldn’t be “perps”.

Talk about something that needs to be shot, this myth needs to be on the top of the list. Ironic you mention free speech in the same breath.

You need to do some research.

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So free speech is unlimited then. Good to know.

Do your research please.

Bingo! Laws do not stop someone from doing ill.

If they cared, they wouldn’t need a law.

Most people care and have common sense.

Why would someone put a plastic bag over their head? Little tiny kids who cannot read will not be helped. The adult should have common sense enough not to leave plastic bags laying around. This is the world we live in.

Common sense is almost rare today, so we make laws to control the masses.

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It’s always been that way. The Ruling Class specializes in patronizing - I’m searching for a better word.

It also likes Vanguard Theory.

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I guess we don’t need laws then since they aren’t a deterrent.

Perps don’t care. Like the old bumper sticker said “When guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns”.

Good thread. :+1:t2:

Yes, we do. You can’t punish people for what they did without laws.

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