Right to bear arms 2A guaranteed?

But they do it anyway with the laws.

You mean punish people for not doing anything wrong? Yes they do.

I know it.

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And that’s my point.

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Libs need lots of laws to compensate for a lack of common sense and they believe everyone else needs them too. Who knows how many Libs have been saved by that little warning that says DO NOT PLACE BAG OVER HEAD! Prevents a lot of lawsuits too…

The police cannot protect us and are indeed under no legal obligation to even try.

And libs want to take away our means of protecting ourselves.

It’s psychotic.


Wow this thread is full of hysteria.

They want to take, loot, steal and even threaten people without any repercussions.




Well -a few things.

1 -Im sorry your sister was murdered in her house. But nothing was preventing her from having a gun right? So she just decided she didnt want one. The person who bought it on the black market -What exactly does that mean? Purcahsed from a friend? Stole it from someone? Found a black tent on the docks and went inside? Perhaps a better enforced gun law could have prevented it (Perhaps not- No law will ever elminate all murders).

2- 117 mass shotings since 1982 and 82 of them were from guns purchased legally

3 - Even guns bought on the black market -Where do you think THEY came from? Stolen from the miltary? Ther are sooo many guns purchased legally, which makes so many more produced and legal gun dealers to have stock. This enable things such as straw purchases, lost weapons, illegally transfered weapons , etc… that much higher.

4- I know of NO major politician, NO leader in any party, and NO political platform that calls for banning of all guns.

5- In general -The more gun laws, the lesser gun deaths per state (Dont bother screaming CHICAGO) - Cause there is no boarder patrol between Chicago and rest of IL.

6 -The suprme court has ruled that the right to bear arms includes private citizens. This is settled law. They have also stated (more then once) that right is not unlimited. That is ALSO settled law. Sure - it could change. But it could change in either direction.

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Yes, it is. But you can be held responsible for harm done by the things that you say.

Maybe that’s what 2nd Amendment advocates are trying to tell you about guns. Ever think of that?

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Please stop with the simplistic rote responses. Laws don’t prevent crime; laws define crime and provide for penalties for committing crime.

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That’s a stupid argument that doesn’t allow for preventative measures.

No … Not full … just from you.

BAM! There it is!

Emphasis mine.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Let me guess you’re a smoker?

So, you are for punishing people for what you think may be in their minds? How does that work? Do you have a trio of oracles to advise you or are you capable of that determination all on your own?

Look up “Constitutionality of prior restraint.”


Some people just don’t get “republic”.

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