Rick Gates just turned on his buddy Paul Manafort

But a pardon could open the door for state income tax avoidance charge I believe.

Fairly sure he is going to jail even of trump pardons him

I don’t think so.

Well only if polonium or nerve agent dont get to him first

No kidding

Would Putin be that stupid?

Meh. Make it look like an accident. People walk into polonium doorknobs all the time.


Stupid? Or brazen and again wanting to show his reach and power?


I say stupid.right now where trump is looking guilty?..why ruin what he has…maybe after trump is out

I do it all the time

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Think of the conspiracies that will spawn from both left and right furthering erosion in overall trust in our government Russia showing it has the ability to strike anyone, anywhere again not only making Russia strong but the us weak and defenseless. Would also be a domestic win for him. Not only can they nuke overwhelmingly but can take out specific individuals in the most protected areas of the US, Montenegro, Georgia, Ukraine, better watch out and just accept Russian “help”

“Plata or plomo” Russian style

Why wouldn’t he have already? Gates testimony wouldn’t be news to them, right?

I dont know…I think it’s too on the nose for Putin.

I dunno. While they knew the expected content of the testimony, they may wait to see what the impact it has.

Like, if the defense’s jury consultant suddenly has started focusing on playing Word With Friends all day during the trial, maybe it’s time to pull the trigger on a deal.

That’s what I’m sayin’!

Hilary did literally the exact same thing, but prosecuting her would not be PC because she’s a woman. This is horsepucky.

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I see you’ve bought into the Liberal Lamestream Media narrative that Hillary is a woman.

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You can’t be a witch if you’re not a woman.

But I don’t believe in witches. That’s liberal prop Oganda. Hillary is a daywalking vampire who sucks on the lifeblood of the innocent. I’m investing in Garlic stocks because when V-day comes, I’m going to be well stocked.


If he’s offered one. Gates knows everything Manafort does. I’m not sure Mueller needs Manafort.