Revealed: Trump Officials Trying to Rig Elections for Whites

Based on your constitution? Yes.

Fair, but they lied and the real reason motivating their actions is in these documents…

“One of those files was a 2015 study he wrote for the conservative news outlet the Washington Free Beacon, showing how redistricting based on citizens rather than total population would benefit “non-Hispanic whites” and Republicans—but that such data could only be obtained by adding a citizenship question to the census.”

You can include the whole population, and then include a question regarding citizenship.

Districts are drawn based on cencus population. It’s based on PEOPLE, not citizen. So it won’t happen.

This is trash and that is coming form a country that has a citizenship question on their census.

Im not 100% but the citizenship question in canada has to do with automatic voter registrations

That would unconstitutional… The constitution requires a census of all PERSONS not citizens…

Not if the admitted point of that question is to effectively limit the census to citizens and disenfranchise non-whites when it comes to redistricting.

The issue is they are on record saying the point of the question was to disenfranchise people which would make the question unconstitutional.

all they had to do was keep their mouths shut and claim it was about keeping track of citizenship population in contrast with total population.

but they had to brag about their real motivation…

Pretty much all they had to do was keep their mouth shut about this but they couldn’t and were caught bragging about the real reasoning for the push for the addition of the question.

There are a number of legitimate reason for there to be a citizenship question, but its now tainted fruit.

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Just like slaves. If you want to propose a new 3/5 compromise, feel free to write your Representatives.

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Because census is more than just voting. It is about money that is allotted to areas based on population, and legal immigrants use government resources and must be accounted for.

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“They”, so far as I can tell is some letter drafted by some now dead guy named Hofeller, or something like that. I am not convinced by the article that he is as important nor as representative of every Republican as implied.
But its hilarious that the article says this is against “one man one vote”. They do realize that at least in federal elections only legal citizens can vote?

You mean the disk and thumb drives that were submitted to the courts were made up?

They were imaginary?

I think you are wrong there is only one thing in the Constitution and it reads

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

No where does say anything about census.


I thought that was scripture?

What purpose does a “citizenship question” serve - other than to scare people into not filling it out?

I wonder what the effects of that could be.

Oh wait. I read the OP. I know exactly what the goal is.


You must be joking!

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which
may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be
determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to
Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other
Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting
of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in
such Manner as they shall by Law direct.

Please do me a favor and show me where in the above excerpt from the Constitution the word “citizens” is used.

Take your time- I’ll wait.

“They” is the GOP, the documents drafted by this dead guy guided the redistricting strategy of the GOP and their reasoning.

“REDMAP’s efforts were so successful that in 2016, despite winning fewer than half of all votes for the House in 2016, Republicans still held an advantage of 241 to 194.”

“Another was a ghostwritten letter, drafted by Hofeller, requesting the citizenship question. This exact language was placed into the Department of Justice request of the Commerce Department that administers the census. That request is at the center of the Supreme Court case.”

Yep! Just like voter registration laws…

Cons: “we aren’t trying to disenfranchise minorities”

(evidence that they did it to disenfranchise minorities)

Cons now:

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