Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is filling children's hospitals

■■■■■■■■■ yes she did, thats what “delayed” clearly implies. its not delayed, it was avoided last year anf this year for some reason is startinf earlier than normal and its more widespread,

what conditions would those be? please enlighten us as to what conditions happened in jun and jul that normally don’t happen until oct-nov. and why icu’s would be filling up with patients when they normally do not.

I’ll talk to the pediatricians in my area and then get back to you. They’d know more than fear-mongering journalists and anti-masker herp-a-derpers. My first impulse would be to say that this year’s spike in RSV in my area just happens to begin after the executive order by Desantis to forbid mask mandates but that may simply be a false cause fallacy.

why would not wearing a mask cause a disease that normally comes in oct to come in jun when in never happened without wearing masks before? the only reason i can think of is because politically you want to blame desantis. it’s irrational, and frankly stupid.

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“…it was avoided last year…”

Might many of these children not have been in day care or school last year? Learning remotely?

Now it’s summer and many have returned to the previous places and activities that never should have been shut down?

Incidentally it appears, from several articles linked, this increase is concentrated in the southeastern part of the country. I’m generally seeing a very small number of orders for RSV testing, and infants & toddlers up to about two years of age are the ones being tested.

Sime babies—if there’s crowding, or older siblings bringing it home—it’s cool to have siblings, but kids are nature’s germ vectors—or low birth wait or maternal smoking—are more vulnerable to it than others. It is not a routine test in pediatric physicals, but for those having certain respiratory symptoms.

Lockdowns never should have taken place—perhaps because the little germ vectors would have gotten their normal exposure by now—and once again the mainstream media is making a big deal about an old virus for whom most suffer mild symptoms and go home to recover.

i agree with everything there.

masking kids was and still is a mistake.

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Sigh… you can’t be this obtuse. Not wearing a mask doesn’t cause any disease and no one even implied that it did. Not wearing a mask and being back into close quarters means that children are being exposed to Respiratory Syncytial Virus and thus have a greater odds of infection. Not sure what the big deal is regarding it. Kids will be given aspirin (unless allergic) and told to drink lots of fluids or given simple medical treatment and sent home.

Florida has 5 seasons for RSV depending on location in the state. If they all sync up to when the executive order was given then yes, it did play a part.

and yet icu’s are overflowing with pediatric rsv cases. odd, why weren’t they given an asprin and sent home like you said?

and yes, it was implied over and over that the reason for the outbreaks was unmasking. i have no idea why you’d deny anyone implied it since you are one of the people who did imply it.

You can’t bother to read a whole sentence and comprehend its meaning?

i read the whole sentence, its meaning is clear

My first impulse would be to say that this year’s spike in RSV in my area just happens to begin after the executive order by Desantis to forbid mask mandates but that may simply be a false cause fallacy.

is the implication not clear? seems to say unmasking is the percieved cause but that might be wrong.

They’re overflowing?

If I understood the original article, it didn’t mention any kids in ICU. As pointed out by several others, most patients are under two years of age, and they generally recover from mild symptoms at home.

The physicians in the Tennessee hospitals were preparing mentally for a POSSIBLE increase in hospitalization during a season when this virus has normally run its course.

Does someone admitting they may be wrong = political ax to grind in your mind?

I still haven’t found any reason why Florida has a longer RSV season or 5 different regions with different seasons, just that there is currently an increase from roughly 1.5% of children visiting the emergency room with RSV to 5%. Since you asked why there would be an increase of children in the ICU it comes down to a numbers game. The more children with RSV the greater chance of there being a child that needs the ICU due to RSV causing live threatening complications from something they already have. Until a hospital knows if it is COVID or RSV they need to treat the patient as if they have the virus that poses the greatest threat to themself and staff.

What is probably going to happen is even though the numbers are currently higher and is probably due to the end of mask mandates causing increased exposure in children that haven’t been exposed so they don’t naturally have antibodies built up combined with sterilization processes that have killed off the weaker strains that most kids would naturally recover from with simple treatments, the virus will run its course with a higher curve earlier in the year and end after the same number of weeks, and either the season will adjust, or revert to its usual timeframe.

But that doesn’t garner clicks or help score political points. Viri are strange like that.

kind of follows my own reasoning; however I don’t think unmasking is the problem, I think masking is. we should have never masked kids, it was a mistake from the beginning. And I think now, parents sort of freak out and throw a mask on the kid after they’ve become sick. I believe this increases the child’s viral load and makes them sicker. Its my own theory, have to see where it goes with science.