Republicans will be hunted

Should there be a season, or just open season all year 'round?

Nope…I absolutely understand you grasping at straws from years ago…

As has become SOP for woke leftists attempts to distract and divert are now predictable because you have so little else to stand on.

The same people who could not find enough air time to attack police post George Floyd and accuse Trump of incitement while lying about the Covington Catholic kids and red hats, who suddenly ignored the black guy who plowed thru a Wisconsin Christmas parade and found a way to make it the suv’s fault but had it been a white guy killing the dancing grannies of color the accusations of incite would have been legendary.

Yes Sarah Palin had targets on her website signifying congressional districts that were potential Republican flips. That was dealt with however many years ago.

If that’s the best you’ve got I look forward to your next post explaining how things work!

Meanwhile 3 weeks after a disgusting divisive speech by the president you voted for calling out half the country as dangerous MAGA whatever’s…I’m pretty sure neither he nor any of this boards libs can define what that means since his people were still trying more than a week later…3 weeks after that speech a drunk democrat ran an 18 year old down in the street and left him there to die because he thought he was a conservative Republican…and all the people screeching that Trump’s every word amounted to incitement have now gone silent.

Maybe the question according to your ridiculous position should be…does this mean incitement really isn’t a thing and those people being held in solitary re: Jan 6 should be headed home?

Now…please lecture me about how things work.


No comparison between the two


I love it when libs think they made a point that nobody but they got. :wink:


I very much like this post

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Interesting, isn’t it? We have been told for a while now that people’s words aren’t responsible for the actions of others. But all of a sudden… they are?

And whoosh again!

And it wasn’t even really that difficult… I made the point in plain English.

And it’s the same point… You exaggerate and clutch pearls at behavior In Democrats that you excuse in Republicans.

Either inflammatory Rhetoric Sparks violence or it doesn’t. Make up your mind!

In the meantime, Ryan was quite plainly saying kill the movement, not kill people in the movement.


But even then, Biden didn’t call for violence. There is a great deal of extrapolation going on here.

Not in the minds of hypocrites.

Yes, Biden was careful not to explicitly call for violence. Instead he falsely smears his political opponents as violent extremists who support neo-Nazis. Of course he knows that there plenty of people who will act against Trump supporters as a result of these smears.

If you doubt that, consider this experiment. Put on a Biden hat and spend a day walking around Kentucky’s 5th congressional district in the hills of eastern Kentucky. This is the district that gave Trump the largest majority; he got 80.1% of the vote in 2020.

Then put on a Trump hat and spend a day walking around Pennsylvania’s third congressional district in Philadelphia. This district gave Biden the largest majority; Biden got 93.1% of the vote in 2020.

What will the reaction be in each district? Which district will be more tolerant of opposing views?

If this experiment sounds too dangerous, then simply plaster a car with Biden or Trump bumper stickers and see what happens.


Correct. But it has been wrongly claimed several times in this thread that Biden directly incited this guy to violence.

False on both counts. He did not call them violent extremists, nor did he link them to neo Nazis. That is just made up.

Hat experiment: the results would be the same before the speeches. People are knuckleheads, that’s the whole point. But there is just is no straight line between this guy and the kid he killed to Biden.

Says the guy who said what? MAGA will be hunted

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You made a point alright, just not the one you think you did. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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What does Biden want to do to enemies of the State, hug them? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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He wants to fight like hell or your not gonna have a country anymore. :wink:


Sounds like the plot of some SciFi channel Asylum movie. From the makers of Atlantic Rift and SquidTwister, Trumpist Purge!

Biden’s own words “fan the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country”. Biden is doing what he accuses MAGA of.

Biden supporters are free to attack Republicans with impunity. They know that the justice system is rigged to protect Biden.


IIRC they already did this movie, and right wingers here and elsewhere lost their ■■■■ .

Until it was pointed out that the movie was produced by a right winger, and the film made the right wing characters the heroes and the left wingers the villians.

What was the name of that movie again?

We are already losing our country to an invasion of millions from third world countries. We are already losing our country as we see manufacturing, jobs, and natural resources shipped off shore, usually to China. We are already losing our country as we see children being indoctrinated into the homosexual life style and encouraged to mutilate their own bodies.
We are already losing our country when, inspired by Biden, unhinged members of the Democrat Party run over and kill innocent people identified as “enemy” by this administration.

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Here ya go

Click non durable manufacturing and tell us why those jobs openings are so high….