Republicans Want Pelosi to Abandon Republican Mode of Governing

People who have to pay hookers for sex are not cool.


Like Charlie Sheen?..

You’re deflecting.

Always. There’s nothing left.

Come on, you watched his show for years, and thought he was so cool… Like most dems

No Charlie Sheen is no cool and what can that possibly have to do with the question of allowing bi-partisan votes in the House or Representatives.

Why would anyone who’s is serious about politics bring up Charlie Sheen in a Politics forum.

To prove you wrong about being cool and hiring hookers…

More deflection. I’d accuse you of locker room talk if you knew what a locker room was.

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You think prostitution is cool? Really? How sad.

To be fair, a lot of Republicans think prostitution is cool now.

I don’t believe that. I think a lot of Republicans have better values than to be partial to human trafficking.

Well this isnt true…but good for you!

They offered a fully funded wall months ago for protecting DACA…trump said no…fully funded…25 billion…your talking points are empty

They left …

I’m not sure about that. They don’t seem to mind voting for a person involved in that sort of thing as long as the alternative is a Democrat.

And Democrats have stood by Bill Clinton for years… I don’t believe any party has a particular claim on morality. Individuals may be more or less ethical, but my experience tells me that there are good and bad people in every organization and every strata of society. I try to avoid “my side is always better than your side” thinking.