Republicans Nominate Another QAnon Believer

Their sources.

That’s an interesting question. Is there a primarily left-wing conspiracy theory that sucks in people from just that side of the aisle, and promotes merchandise to them for profit? Where the conspiracy changes almost weekly as each failed prediction falls, so it morphs into something new that doesn’t resemble what it previously predicted?

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If I’m distroying your thread with facts you don’t agree with I apologize.

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salacious dossier’s lol lol lol they love those

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It’s not my thread. You’re deflecting and not destroying anything.

Why don’t you post some of the predictions from Q that have come true. Shouldn’t be too challenging.


Well, technically this is my thread. What “facts” have you provided?


Yes they do, but I have to be careful not to get put in time out for fact spamming someone’s thread.

… is pretty darn accurate.

Don’t you like it?

MSM being fake news, I’d say more but those facts will put me in time out. Good luck with your thread.

By his own admittance, “fake news” is news that Trump doesn’t agree with. So, I guess, you’re technically right.

But please, we’re here to discuss. Lay some more QAnon facts on us.


SneakySFDude will put me in time out if I fact spam your thread so sorry we can’t.

Its doesn’t have to be spam. Just share your thoughts.

Here’s the 9 QAnon-supporting congressional candidates who have now made it to November by state:

-CO: Lauren Boebert
-CA: Mike Cargile, Erin Cruz, Alison Hayden, Buzz Patterson
-OR: Jo Rae Perkins
-GA: Angela Stanton-King
-OH: Ron Weber
-TX: Johnny Teague


Do tell. Which QAnon sources are the best?

Sorry, anything I say will be marked as spam!

What does that tell you about QAnon then?


The left here flag facts they don’t like as spam and you question Q, strange.

This is a large part of why I think Biden needs to win in November. If the fringes keep controlling the process, the candidates are just going to keep getting increasingly insane

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I agree in theory with the BLM protests, am I enabling arson?

Yes they do!