Republicans Nominate Another QAnon Believer

These individuals won their primaries. It certainly didn’t hurt.

I’d agree that if QAnon isn’t a main thrust of their platform, most voters wouldn’t be aware or care. They should though.


Well, now. Getting close to time to rebrand the party as the GOQ®.


This sort of thing is why i think Q is a parody to sucker in the weak minded. As you stated above the conspiracy theory changes to fit the out comes i.e. Q Theory 1 Muller and Trump working together to bring down the DEEP STATE but when that didnt happen Theory 2 Muller is the DEEP STATE and Low info types drink it up


Probably not, but you can bet whoever the democratic challenger is will make them aware of it. That’s a problem for the GOP.


Exactly. It is one giant grift on the most gullible. People who have been brainwashed through years of the angry man on the radio screaming about how their enemies are their fellow Americans, and they are lurking in every corner and behind every bush. This leads them to venture down the rabbit hole of the internet to fringe corners like 4-chan or 8-chan, where there are grifters and conmen just waiting to take their money and profit off of their openness to believe anything that confirms the fears that have been beaten into their brains for hours and hours on end, every day of the week for years on end.


So… the thread title…

Not when the alternative is msm fake news!

Good luck with them.:rofl:

Compared to who, the MSM fake news?

Deflection noted and discarded.

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Running away from and labeling facks as spam seem to be the standard here.

Like I said, if you believe in QAnon, no one is going to change your mind. Especially that vile main stream media. They’re in on it. Why would you listen to them?

…should be changed from Believer to Enabler.

Just Like you and your MSM fake news?

Agreeing in theory is enabling?

And there are no such sources on the other side? Nothing comparable?

IMO yes.

This is a thread about another Q sympathizer being nominated by the GOP. Again, your deflection was noted.

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One of my favorite parts of the MSM is the ability to verify using multiple sources. What’s your favorite part of QAnon?


I prefer sympathizing with Q.

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Maybe fox on a good day.