Republicans Name Their Impeachment Witnesses

Even if that’s what you believe, how can you defend using Giuliani, Parnas and Fruman to accomplish it in secret? If it was so above board, why all the cloak and dagger?

This was an attempt to interfere with the 2020 election.

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Be back later. Leaving for the airport now.


Or Parnas, or Froman, or Firtash, or Shokin, or Zelensky for that matter.

This is a list intended to explore the conspiracy theories popular on conservative radio – even calling someone associated with Fusion GPS. That is why I fear the Democrats will reject the list, giving the Republicans more ammunition to shout unfair.

That’s one reason why I hope the Democrats approve the entire list.

I would have thought that the Republicans would have included Donald Trump if they are keen to get to the truth.

Because the impeachment hearings are a sham. They’re not interested in what happened, only that they can gig the president.


What happened when it was discovered?

Then why not have everyone testify and produce all the emails, cables, documents, etc. to show what a sham it is?

Do you deny the facts coming out? Do you think it’s appropriate for the President to use congressionally approved military aid to insist that a foreign government announce an investigation specifically into one of his rivals?

Military aid that comprises 10% of that countries ability to ward off Russian aggression?

Those are sham concerns?

The last thing Democrats need is Hunter Biden either refusing to testify or pleading the fifth on any question. There’s no way a competent attorney allows him up there knowing that the attorney-general himself has hunter in his sights, no matter how inappropriate it is for the AG to do so.

Really hung up on this announcement language.

Do you really think this applies more to an election a year out with no guarantee of Biden being involved rather than the past administration that spied on Trump and Muellered him and claimed to be so corruption pure?

While both are considerations, I would say the role of the former VP is the dominant matter.

The same VP that prevented the Ukraine from getting top grade military hardware and was on duty when the Crimea WAS annexed.

I wish we had had this level of outrage at that time.



One question for Hunter Biden. What work did you do for Burisma to earn all that money?

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How is that relevant to the question of whether the president attempted to extort a public announcement of an investigation from Ukraine in return for military aid?


It is relevant as to whether there was a reasonable basis for an investigation to be requested.
If he wasn’t hired to do work, what was he hired for?

Just for the sake of argument, let’s assume there was big giant smoking gun… Does the president have the legal authority to withhold appropriated funds without notifying congress?

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They got their money before the budget year was out so I really don’t see the problem.

Let’s assume something illegal happened… a violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act for example. Wouldn’t this be the first time in US history that the initial investigation of a violation of the FCPA was conducted by the President himself? Why would that new protocol be required in this matter? If the case was so egregious, why wasn’t standard protocol followed?

They did NOT get the funds before the FY expired… Only because congress added language to the CR were the funds still available…

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This excuse keeps getting repeated, but unlike wine it does not get better with age

The money was released when the Whistleblower Report was sent to Congress and the entire Trump/Guiliani scheme was about to be exposed. You can chose not to see a problem with that but you are damaging your credibility if you do so.

They actually did not.


Everything took place in Ukraine. This was a request for Ukraine to do an investigation to find facts. If facts were found that indicated a violation of our laws, the DOJ could have taken it from there.