Republicans Cannot be trusted!

Tax cuts and deregulation…

Democrats are advocating complete control of our healthcare system, to the point of Bernie Sanders apparently wanting a 5 year program to retrain the thousands of people currently working for health insurance companies they would put out of business.

Joe Biden says he would happily sacrifice blue collar jobs in exchange for clean Energy. Biden says 'yes' when asked about sacrificing blue-collar jobs for clean energy | Fox News

Democrats want to spend trillions of dollars we don’t have on the green new deal, further creating massive government control over most aspects of our daily lives…

All that compared to tax cuts and deregulation…Oh and I know lefties want to claim that because the president has made personnel decisions and policy decisions that they (the left) disagree with that suddenly amounts to some abuse of power. My personal opinion is most of the alleged abuses of this President are really nothing more than “He said it He thought it He might have wanted to do it and here’s what we think he really meant” from a bunch of liberals.

God Lord the serious business of hearings on impeaching a President were just held in private in some room in the basement called a SCIF, with limited to no public access other than whatever Adam Schiff chose to leak…And you want to include Trump of being “Imperial”?

My post makes perfect sense.

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Stock market is not an economic indicator. GDP is.
No new wall is being built.
Democrats aren’t advocating for open borders.
Speaker isn’t indefinitely delaying sending articles, she wants Moscow Mitch to have a fair trial. And he ain’t budging.

After that clown show in the House?? She gets no say so in how the Senate runs THEIR show. Just as all libs were so kind to point out that the House decided how they run their portion.

As usual, libs want it both ways. Elections have consequences remember?

Oh don’t worry, Old Shiffy is going around now saying he has the goods on Pence too for an impeachment.

Somebody is taking that get rid of Trump and Pence and Nancy Girl is the President talk seriously. :joy:

I don’t know about you but Schiff and libs here swore up and down they had the goods. Funny how nobody can produce it.

Trump has done nothing to expand the powers of the president.

Tell us specifically what Trump has done to expand presidential power please.

Which party had a majority in the House of Reps in the first two years of the now impeached president D Trump. Was it the same party that had a majority in the Senate? Was it the same party under which Trump ran for president?

From reports I have heard and read the only person seeking defence lawyers is the person who will be facing an impeachment Senate trial in 2020 is D Trump.

Piss poor non sequitur and of course you are wrong.

How has the impending Senate trial of the impeached president D Trump been delayed?

Yeah…I know…and the offer of free health care in a sanctuary city won’t entice anybody to illegally cross the border…is that your position?

What President has been impeached? The Senate isn’t aware of any documents supporting that claim? :sunglasses:

I don’t see even an over reach like Obama did with DACA.


I think he is referring to the propaganda tool that was hatched in a secret bunker by Bidens former intern.

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Clown show run by Idiot Nunes and Idiot Collins. Never took the impeachment hearings seriously and continually claimed about closed door meetings in the basement when they both sat in during the inquiries. What a bunch of liars. But they don’t care, it’s all in the name of their Idol, Trump*.

Has Idiot Nunes ever explained why he was getting money from Lev Parnas? How about the money Idiot McCarthy got from Parnas? Has Gym Jordan ever announced he was ashamed in never reporting sexual misconduct while at Ohio State?

My position? Nope.

I want tighter border security. Harsher penalties for companies who hire illegals, including jail time.

Schiff is a lying creep. I literally feel like I need a cleansing shower when I hear his voice. People like that dirt bag are what’s wrong with DC. They think they can say and do anything.

The theme of this thread is Republicans Cannot be trusted.

With people like the little weasel Schiff in positions of power I find left wing liberal Democrats to be a far greater threat to my freedom as an American.


I respect your position…but those candidates running for POTUS under the D name don’t share your beliefs.

The closed meetings were “closed”.

We have yet to see any of the testimony.


If you’re going to get serious about fining the employers you are going to have to change a lot of employment and civil rights laws that prevent them from being able to discriminate against illegals.

We’ve been over this many times before but I never see you promoting those changes in law, only complaining about the employers and wanting to punish them for actually following the law.


Closed as in only committee members could participate. That was, until Trump*’s biggest ass-kisser, Drunko Gaetz stormed the closed door meetings. What’s even funnier is some of the members of the committees who should be there and would leave after opening statements, also cried that these were done in secret. How stupid are they? Oh wait.