Republicans Cannot be trusted!

The case is over.

Sentencing is on Jan 28th

All of Powell’s arguments collapsed. Not only did Judge Sullivan call her out for plagiarism in their arguments but completely destroyed any objection that was raised.

Powell is more than likely responsible for Flynn getting a harsher sentence than he was going to get a year ago and that was when the judge asked the prosecutors if they ever thought of charging him with treason

Powell is a terrible lawyer

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Why should we assume that if Trump is as bad as this impeachment says, that he’ll be voted out of office?

There are quite a few American voters who feel an Imperial President is just fine and are happy to confer yet more power upon Trump to do what he likes as long as he “gets things done” (those things being “lib tears” and giving his supporters “comfort food” as far as I can tell…)

Too funny,…
I started to respond to your previous post, recommend you stop watching youtube videos to get news, and stopped…and decided, why bother.

Scroll down to the next post, and it is you posting, a youtube video.

Thanks for the entertainment.

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If it is not on youtube, is it really, real?

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I seem to recall that was lefts philosophy during Obama years…specially after he lost the house.

Or did you forget what libs were saying here during that period?

Democrats are a clear and present danger to the American peoples Constitutional Rights because they paid for the Steele dossier that Obama used to spy illegally on Americans.

Amerca is waking to this fact!

So what?

Many in today’s right fancy themselves the last champions of our Republic as the Founders intended.

Aren’t they supposed to hold themselves to a higher standard than “Well the libs did it too so what choice do we have?”

Trump’s own attorney general went before the Federalist Society and gave a speech where he rewrote the history of the Revolution to espouse giving the President so much power as to completely neuter Congress. Though the DOI mentions only the King and not Parliament, Barr lied and said the Founders didn’t fear a strong Executive, only a strong Legislature.

Nary a peep of protest from the “Defenders of Our Liberty”.

Indeed, I bet many of them didn’t even know Barr gave this speech.


I’m just reminding the readers here that libs advocated what you were complaining about.

I’m on the right…and YOU never seen me advocating imperial Presidency. And I’m outspoken when my side pushes it…but I don’t recall a single lib here correcting what other libs were doing and saying.

A for Barr, yeah I seen his little speech, and I disagree with him.

I personally think legislation branch, executive branch and yes the judicial branch have all promoted their own power grab for political purposes.

I would say join me in this fight…but I also know the moment democrats come into power the left will abounded their positions. Just like they did back in 08.

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Donald will upend and destroy their traitorous machinations!

Post of the month!!

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Can you be more specific please.

If anyone is confused about why it’s really hard to take left wingers seriously…posts about MR. Trump and an Imperial Presidency should clarify the issue.

Among Trump’s first acts as President…the elimination of regulation…the lowering of taxes for everyone…hardly the actions of an “Imperial President”.

Meanwhile the Democrats are offering a bunch of damn socialists as presidential candidates…people who want the stinking government to run everything…

Yet somehow Trump is the “Imperial President”!

It would be funny if it wasn’t kinda sad.


Disagree. Post was full of half truths and jibber is.

Post would have been better if a meme of Orange Man Bad was posted.

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Here is the case she took;

‘‘The sworn statements of Mr. Flynn and his former counsel belie his new claims of innocence and his new assertions that he was pressured into pleading guilty to making materially false statements to the FBI,’’ Sullivan wrote.

Thanks for the head up about the case. I missed that.

I don’t know how you can come to that harsh conclusion based on that but…what ever?

Sullivan’s decision was that even if the FBI is guilty of wrongful acts, that wasn’t related to Flynn pleading guilty. I do agree though, that the prosecution tone against him was better before, than it is now.

The point that the judge is making is that all of the antics that Powell was engaging in had nothing to do with what Flynn was charged with.

Flynn lied about telling Kislyak to hold off on retaliating against President Obama’s sanctions and removal of “diplomats” in the days after the election.

When Putin said he would not retaliate, Kislyak called Flynn and told him that it was in response to Flynn’s request.

This was all before Trump took office.

This is what Flynn lied about and plead guilty to.

In other times we would universally agree that this is a bad thing.

Before Powell got involved, Flynn was probably getting off pretty light because he was cooperating. Powell convinced Flynn to stop cooperating and Go down the conspiracy rabbit hole with her. So now he will likely get a harsher sentence than he would have a year ago.

Powell is a terrible lawyer.

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Tax cuts and deregulation in no ways disprove a bent towards greater executive power.

Your post makes no sense whatsoever.

She couldn’t beat a confession. What you labeled a “rabbit hole” is all that’s being investigated right now by Durham and IMO the evidence dripped out thus far indicates she’s correct. The Judge simply stated that even if she is, it isn’t related to the case.

Yes. The information that Powell was seeking had nothing to do with the charge that Flynn freely pled guilty to.

I think that you guys are going to be underwhelmed by Durham’s report

For the sake of this country, I hope you’re right.

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Since I wrote the post you are referencing you should probably point out the half truths and jibberish.

I cited economic data, record low unemployment and a record high stock market? Do you now something we don’t know? Is the ISIS leader not dead? I cited unfinished business, admittedly there is opinion in that post but are the areas I cited not legitimate areas of unfinished business?

I cited Hillary Clinton paying for the Steele Dossier, which the Horowitz report proved to be a load of crap. " ‘Corroboration Zero’: An Inspector General’s Report Reveals the Steele Dossier Was Always a Joke…" is the headline of this story, from the great conservative publication The Rolling Stone. Horowitz Report Reveals the Steele Dossier Was Always a Joke – Rolling Stone.

Did Adam Schiff not say he had Ample Evidence of Collusion, I looked it up that’s his exact quote. Have we ever seen that Ample Evidence? Did liberals not tell us Trump would lose in a landslide? If the old board were still reachable I could find multiple posts to that effect. Did leftwing mouthpieces in the media not tell us repeatedly Mueller was going to take Trump down, right up until he didn’t? If you google terms like Ecomony Headed for a 2019 Crash you’ll find plenty of reporting from roughly a year ago making that case…Yet it didn’t happen unless I missed it. Did Jerry Nadler not say “Our next election is at risk…That is why we must act now.”, referencing why the impeachment had to go so quickly, just before Pelosi decided not to turn over the articles to the Senate, The Senate doesn’t have those articles yet do they? So why were Dems in such a hurry again?

Does Nancy Pelosi not represent San Francisco, a city which has an enormous homeless problem? Please show me my half truths…