Republicans against Trump

Case 1: We have always ■■■■ on the Kurds. I am not for expanding and increasing military adventurism to keep the Kurds safe from what basically is a NATO ally (Turkey) would require keeping a lot of soldiers in that region people were pissed over 100 troops leaving. What is 100 troops going to do against Turkey, Syria, and Russia. It would require a huge presence let another ally do it, what about Germany?

Case 2: Don’t care

Case 3: I agree I hate his tweeting, although he is being picked on by the media (92% negative coverage), constant investigations since taking office that nothing turns up, mystery pee pee tapes, and he was impeached by congress. I would probably be worse if I had to go through all that. If I had a mic and audience the day day after being exonerated by the senate it would have been: ■■■■ you, ■■■■ you, ■■■■ you, and you in the back a big ■■■■ you.

Case 4: They are both arrogant in different ways. Obama more of the Ivy League snobbish elite arrogance. Trump the New York billionaire mogul ■■■■■■■■ The old question asked which would I rather have a beer with: neither.

nah, thats just a bonus!

@AlexMcAlpine You’ve done it now. You’ve questioned Dear Leader. Now you will be admonished and condemned forever.

If you can find it in your patriotic heart to love Dear Leader once again, you might be allowed into the circle of worship.

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If he’s on the ballot in Florida, I will vote for Andrew Yang, otherwise I am not sure yet. I cannot vote for Sanders or Biden.

I know of one prominent conservative (George Will) who has said in several interviews that he would vote for a democrat to beat Trump. In one interview his exact words, “I want Trump out of public life”. I bet good coin there are others.

I am going to name my next child Trump.

He has been that darn good.


No, you are not.

You are letting your hatred for Trump spill over onto those with whom you disagree.

Because you could end the charade and be who you truly are without the overhead of keeping up a false narrative.

There are several of you on here doing this, but you even found it necessary to make a whole thread about you and this pretense. It’s not healthy.


Ding Ding Ding! Give that man a cigar. :+1:

No, I didn’t make myself clear.

I visit a variety of message boards, and there are plenty of Republican anti-Trumpers discussing the issues.

My own small circle is not representative, for issues I won’t go into.

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You want to keep illegal aliens out of the US?

Just admit you’re a racist!

That’s how people win arguments these days.

Well, you may believe what you like.


If only 5% of Republicans are anti-Trump that can still be like a million anti-Trump Republicans. That’s a lot of people. But even then the great majority of Republicans will be pro-Trump.

Your experience with your other Republican friends is not the exception. It’s the rule.

Philly Guy

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Trump does. Just grabs em by the ■■■■■


The Lincoln Project was formed by Republicans against Trump.

They’ve put together a video of all of Trump’s gaffe, in wake of Trump harping on Biden’s gaffes.

You’re frustrated but you’re honest.

They are on the losing side of the votes and all they have to do is be like Romney…and your career will be less effective and end shorter than it would have.

They are in that 5 percent of gop that opposes Trump.

That is if they are gop at all. :roll_eyes:

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No my friend…it’s much, much more but…they have their “masks of deceit” on, that indicate otherwise. Just let the tides turn against Trump and then, they’ll take their masks off and you’ll see the real them.

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I think its going to be tough sledding the next few election cycles. All the good people want nothing to do with politics.

Sort of like cops, its turning into a thankless job gonna be hard to find good recruits.


That’s it? That’s all you’ve got? WOW!

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