Republican Voter Supression Efforts

I agree. People should be required to demonstrate a basic working knowledge of our system of government before being issued a license to vote. I wonder which party that would favor? The answer may surprise you!

Its obvious. They will place a Democrat in power… illegally.

Now… who benefits from fear mongering and lies about the government suppressing votes?

Please provide a court-adjudicated example of “Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, Wasserman Shultz and the others” having legislation struck down on the grounds that it unfairly targeted Republican voters. Tell me, are you interested in doing that?

No one since that’s not happening.

I hate democracy. American ideals and democracy are antithetical to one another.

What are the democrats running on? I have heard Medicaid for all from the Bernie wing of the party and jacksh** from the centrist side of the democrat party in terms of policy.

The democrats passed a huge healthcare law under Obama?. What is there next plan with healthcare? I hear terms like “comprehensive immigration reform” which in reality it means absolutely nothing. What kind of immigration reform? What changes to the healthcare system that wasn’t done with the ACA?

Without using the word “Trump” I would (no joke) like to know what the democrats are running on.

The internet is your friend. Pro tip: google.

You clearly aren’t paying attention.

Dems are running on healthcare. They are running on DACA, and immigration reform. They’re running on opposing tax cuts for the rich.

Meanwhile Trump is running on fear.