Republican Leadership stands down while Biden participates in an invasion of U.S./Mexico border

Georgia has state laws with regards to elections.

What’s the basis for comparing that impaneling to your proposed one?

One can return an indictment under Georgia state law. I don’t think it will happen. I think it’s showboating.

The other?

They are out of power in the House and Senate, but they have the power of voice. There is always a reporter with a mike ready to take statements. But these pols are more interested in keeping the power of their elected offices than in actually doing something with that power. They need to stand for something, not just sit in their elected seats.

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Republican leadership isn’t interested in solving this problem anymore than Democratic leadership is. It’s too valuable as a campaign issue for both sides.

There are many creative ways to impanel a State (special purpose) Grand Jury for the purpose stated, e.g. a state’s human trafficking laws would ultimately lead to its point of origin . . . our southern border and those assisting in the act.


So trafficking laws. Imaginative for sure.

We went from the constitution to harboring laws to human trafficking laws. All by a state grand jury against federal officials acting in their federal capacity.

Why wouldn’t they just sue? The state governors that is. Oh wait

Why wouldn’t they just sue you ask? Let me break the news to you:

both are available and necessary to draw attention to the criminal acts engaged in by the Biden Administration


By every administration. You have started this thread about every admin since i have been on these boards. The avenue of an indictment against federal officials who are acting in their capacity as federal officials by a state grand jury is ludacris on Its face. Desantis sued im federal court. The Georgia impaneling is because the former President was acting as a private citizen.

There is either a willful ignorance of civics, supremacy clause, immunity, and how state level grand juries work orrrr there is a fantasy about how they should work. I truly believe it’s the second one. Imaginative.

Here come the eye rolls. Can’t wait for the gif.

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Well, thank you for your “opinions”. I suspected you would eventually confirm, by your comments, that convening a state special purpose Grand Jury for the purpose stated, upsets you. The bottom line is any state can convene a special purpose grand jury and probe anything which adversely affects the general welfare of the state. And doing so, as related to the impact on a state due to criminal activities at our southern border, would most certainly bring attention to the Biden Administration and its involvement in such criminal activities.


I suspect that your opinion of my mood on the subject is more imagination from he who images that anything is plausible.

A civil lawsuit too brings attention. Probably why Desantis did it …. In part

I agree with you on one of the reasons for the DeSantis catch and release lawsuit.

Are you aware of the function of a “special purpose” Grand Jury?


Sure but just because the term special purpose grand jury exists doesn’t mean that your proposed series of events is possible. A special purpose just means it investigates one event instead of a series of events. I would argue if a grand jury could even be impaneled on the subject that it’s decision would vary little weight. There is no mechanism in the criminal law world in which a state grand jury regardless of purpose returns an indictment against federal officials for harboring or even state level human trafficking. It’s a fantasy.

But its investigation most certainly can unearth federal laws which may have been violated when investigating, e.g., drug and human trafficking and thus draw attention to alleged criminal acts engaged in by the Biden Administration


What does a completely plausible indictment for human traffickers have to do with federal officials. Why the eye roll?

So just for attention purposes. A civil case can do That already. No need to indulge.


You are repeating yourself. LINK


You are the one who suggested a state could not indict for human trafficking. You were wrong.

Those engaged in the transportation of illegal entrants [those taxi and bus drivers, and hotel owners] are assisting the federal government in the criminal act of harboring. Why wouldn’t I want them prosecuted along with the feds who are assisting in an invasion of our border?


What will it take for American citizens and their families to realize their homeland is under attack?

I did not suggest that in the slightest. It was in the context of a federal official acting as a federal official. May be try following the exchange in which you are participating. It was even in the post to which you responded with that link.

Indeed I am. I wonder why.