Republican governor blasts Trump over COVID-19 response

He should go to the CDC webpage for guidance, not wait for Trump’s tweets. Maryland doesn’t have any state health organizations that will work with federal agencies for information on how to handle this?

Of course there is no real problem. The Governor is pandering to the left base, as he needs to do in Maryland.

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K…you go down that rabbit hole and have fun looking at all of your mirages of facts.

Maryland also had massive spread in nursing homes, but it has not made national news.

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You cannot compare the numbers revorded by the CDC for the US with numbers recorded by other countries. There is no universally used standard definition of “COVID case” and “COVID death”. The CDC is manipulating numbers to inflate cases and deaths for political gain.

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Trump’s CDC is manipulating numbers for political gain? That’s a bold statement. I assume you have proof that Trump’s administration is doing this?

The CDC has been a rogue agency working under the guise of being “the Trump Administration”. Trump is now requiring COVID data sent to the CDC to be also sent directly to the WH before being massaged by the CDC. Once the CDC-in data is compared to the CDC-out data, the CDC manipulation will become obvious to all.

There is anecdotal evidence presented by medical workers of the CDC skewing of stats via their instructions to health services. Those testimonies are relatively quickly removed from social media and internet platforms by labelling them as breaking TOS.

The states are which has already been shown repeatedly, don’t pretend otherwise.

Not only is anyone who dies of any cause but with Covid being counted as a covid deaths thousands of presumptive deaths without a test or even a diagnosis based on symptoms have been recorded as covid deaths.

Our numbers are completely fabricated.

The states are fabricating the numbers, not the CDC.

The Trump administration is completely fabricating our COVID number folks. This is just one more reason that…

Trump. Must. Go!!!

Right because the CDC is the one that has the motivation to “massage the data”, not Trump.

No…Trump truly wants accurate numbers out there because he is honest and good and has NO personal motivation for things to look better than they are.


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