Republican Christine Todd Whitman Calls for GOP To Seek Trump's Removal From Office

Exactly. What is this “big tent” Democrats have, when the DNC chair made it plain that pro life people were not welcome in the party?

Here is Kirsten Gillibrand, a likely candidate for POTUS, saying what issues Ds should make their priorities. These people have lost their minds.

What exactly does the D party offer conservatives? They are embracing socialism and far left policies. The “first thing” they should do, according to Gillibrand, is get rid of ICE.

we have had some real winners as governors.

  1. Flim-Flam Florio–The late great Bob Grant gave him this moniker: he was a bit sleazy

2 witless–besides proclaiming 9/11 air to be good; frisked black criminal suspects during a ride along
3. McGreevy–used state police to drive him to highway rest stops to ah…er…pick up something or other (I kid you not)

  1. corzine–almost as sleazy as Flim flam almost

  2. Christie–ran the state as he would have run the nation and thats not good when you are a liberal state; also known as the beached whale when he went on a closed state beach when there was a govt shutdown with his family.

Allan (and that only in the past 30 years)

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Sounds to me like you Jersey boys need to work on electing better officials to run the state my friend. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Not in a very deep blue district. The problem is some Ds think the answer is to run candidates like her everywhere.

She wouldn’t do so well in Arizona, A far left candidate is running against Krysten Sinema. I think Sinema will probably win the primary, but what if she doesn’t?

Of course, Rs have a problem in Arizona too. McSally is electable, the other two running in her primary are not.


Ken Wixon, a lifelong Democrat, said he planned to back Sinema’s Democratic opponent, Phoenix activist Deedra Abboud, in the Aug. 28 primary.

“I supported (Sinema) before, but she’s too easily influenced,” Wixon said after attending a recent political meeting in suburban Phoenix where Abboud spoke. “She seems to roll over too easily.”

Sinema said her shift to the right is the result of learning to work with others in a hyper-partisan Congress.


Here is a perfect example of this phenomenon in practice.

And looks like your Senator has a real fight on his hands to get reelected in November. If this was an ordinary election year (meaning someone other than Trump in the WH) I’d say he’s toast. But he will probably be reelected.

Like Conor Lamb or Doug Jones?

Yep, that’s exactly my point. We still keep hearing about "far right’ Republicans but not “far left” Democrats. And this is from a sitting US Senator.

Old news. Since the primary win of the socialist candidate in NY, the party is all of a sudden embracing a lot of what she advocates. You quoted my link about Gillibrand. She’s not the only D saying ICE should be abolished.

And it’s so important it should be the “First thing” Ds do if they take back Congress.

I have yet to see Democrats putting up extremists in close districts. I’ve seen quite the opposite in fact. Have you seen anything different?

Kirsten Gillibrand is not far left.

And you probably believe Obama and Hillary are far left, too.

You are a perfect example of the phenomenon I was referring to.

I posted a link earlier in this thread about a socialist running in the Arizona primary.

Bernie and Ocasio-Cortez were campaigning in Kansas, of all places, wanting to spread their socialism around.


You don’t even know what a socialist is. Please educate yourself.

@lulubee You realize that abolishing ICE is a position that even Bernie won’t take?



Christine Todd Whitman was at one time a strong conservative. I have never seen anything to say otherwise. LIberals hated her because of her role in the Bush cabinet as EPA head. She did things that were bot beneficial to the environment…but were to big business. But…as a conservative. I’ll take one thing from her statement. She is in my opinion probably more intelligent than 95% of us here including you and me Roxi. Sorry.

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Running in the primary you say. How are they doing in the polls?

Seems to me like she had it pretty much correct…even back in 2016. I am guessing that as Gov of New Jersey. She had plenty of first hand dealings with him as he has a hotel and casino in Atlantic City right? I am guessing she has more first hand knowledge of him than you or I do.

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I have no problem with private insurance along with a public option.
I do think basic medical insurance coverage should be non-profit, and limousine plans can have as much profit baked in that the market will support.

Not sure how you can have a company with some being part of the union, and some not being part of the union, not getting the similar benefits. Does that exist anywhere?

Regulations are a big grey area. I would utilize empirical evidence to determine the effective and reasonable use of them. Not massive influence from lobbyists.

I did not mean free trade. I meant free trade schools. From you response regarding free education, looks like you are on board for free trade schools as well.

When our tax rate was 92% at the top levels, we still managed to have a vibrant economy.
I know many did not pay that 92%, due to creative accounting, but that still goes on today with the much lower tax rates.

A top tax rate near the 50%, for incomes over $2.4million taxable income, I know for some is considered extreme left…but that is a tool used to level the playing field, and to fund the things we are not funding today.

If one is unable to get by on $200k a month cash…something is very wrong.

I do appreciate your detailed and honest response!

Krysten Sinema has had several commercials running on television here while the other Democrat running doesn’t have any commercials running on television here. Sinema is ahead in the polls, and she is very likely going to win the Democratic primary and probably going to win the general election here.