Republic v Democracy

I would really like for one or several of the condescending jackass smartest people in the room to:

  1. Define Democracy
  2. Define Republic
  3. Distinguish between the two.

Simple terms. No links. No making up crap.

Lol I know you dont see the irony of you of all people calling others condescending. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:.

Obviously not a serious thread by the way you refer to the posters you want to engage, its just so you can disagree, argue and dare I say it the T word.


Can’t do it.

No you can’t. Bye.

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You can tell by this line that is isn’t a serious thread

“No making up crap” who’s the arbiter? :rofl:

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I’m not smartest person in the room but I always look at it this way.

Republic. Individuals of self govern under basic agreed upon laws.

Democracy. A collective agreement of laws in which all must live under.

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You can’t. Bye.

The bold = pretty much any poster on this board. Exactly who on this board does NOT consider himself the smartest person in the room.


Republic is pretty much any system that is NOT a monarchy and has an elected head of state and elected representatives of any sort, that is responsible to the whole body of the people.

Democracy is wider and can encompass representative republics such as the United States, as well as direct democracies.

The United States is both a Republic and a Democracy. The terms are complementary, not exclusive.

James Madison equated Republicanism and Representative Democracy and I agree with him.


No. You can have a republic with a monarch.

To sell a product. Of course you do. How was Madison just a few months later?


“Don’t makeup crap”

Already violated

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In a republic we elect politicians to represent us in government. In a democracy everyone votes on every issue. I’m not sure a true democracy actually exists anywhere in the world?

I’m not the sharpest political tool in the shed, but I’ll try.

Democracy: Power is concentrated in the people as a whole with no limitations. They determine both the ruling class and the societal rules. In this society, the proletariat rules through weight of numbers.

Republic: Power is concentrated in something beyond the people, usually a constitution that tries to balance the inherent conflict between the proletariat and the bourgeois into something that is materially acceptable for both factions.

Differences: Democracy is inherently prone to tyranny of the majority since they have nothing limiting them. In a Republic, the system attempts to maintain a balance but it can be coopeted by an oligarchy of like minded powerful people.


No. It is not about how you choose your rulers, it is about where the hegemony lies.

Democracy is cruelest form of dictatorship.


Why can’t you?

That is a very, very good explanation. 99%.

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Is it our right. Or is it my right. Your right.

We have democracy in state elections.

Not sure what you’re getting at but I see it my right from.

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