Representative Bill Pascrell files lawsuits to disbar Rudy Guiliani and 22 other attorneys

Nah. The progressives are leading the charge against the rest with their 1950’s style blacklist of people who worked under the Trump administration.


Hey those judges could have written anything they wanted on those blank pages. Disloyal!

Wasn’t Trump the first to blacklist them though? Seems weird since he hires “only the best people.”

Judges certainly seemed to think the cases were frivolous, as they dismissed them due to no evidence and / or no standing (at least with the ones the lawyers didn’t drop themselves). That has been a pattern throughout these lawsuits.

I suppose judges would be authoritarian since you know they have the authority to make rulings that don’t go the way the Donald thinks they should. Or something.

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or false information, giant mistakes and the likes. top lawyers routinely confuse Michigan with Minnesota and file in wrong districts or even completely the wrong judiciary system…


Damn authoritarian judges. I bet they make other decisions that people don’t like.

Especially those ephors.

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You’re confusing McCarthyism with people being held responsible for their actions.


Should the lawyers who backed Gore be disbarred? I can get behind that.


Wayyyyy different. And I think you know that. They did nothing dishonorable.

nah, its more like refusing to hire the organizer of Fyre festival to organize your sweet 16, or Ken Lay to do your taxes.

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Now you guys are suddenly concerned about that?


Of course they didn’t. Democrats never do.


Aren’t most of them retired by now? Have fun with that.

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They didn’t. They didn’t lie.

Sure. They just tried to get the military votes thrown out. Not dishonorable at all.


Late-arriving overseas absentee ballots that did not have a valid postmark on them. Trump is trying the same thing.

Yet these lawyers need disbarred. Gore was doing nothing unethical. Thanks for proving my point.

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So, dismissing a case is equivalent to frivolous? Ergo, people should be disbarred?