Reparations, the big freaken lie!


A salaam alaikum my immigrant brother from another mother.

Dios le bendiga compadre.

God bless you.

There is no translation in English that does “compadre” justice.

It’s spelled “Dios te bendiga”
I get the strange feeling you’re not an immigrant like you told me a couple of months back. :thinking::rofl:

“Compadre” requires the formal form. Always.

It’s a vaquero thing.

It does not.

Yes it does. It’s a vaquero thing.

I’ll give you this one.

It’s a ranchero thing.

You don’t give me anything. You never tutea a compadre in my world. You learned something today. Good day for you.

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:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Yes, but it comes from when they were vaqueros.

So that’s the reason. Okay. Smh

Hey, I’m not Mexican,. So, I believe you.

Neither am I. But I am working on the vaquero part.

Why is 1 off the table. We would be keeping our own money. It wouldn’t extend to welfare recipients however. Get a job if you want the benefit

Because I don’t get to keep mine.

So what. You’ll get over it.

when the first penny in reparations is collected and paid, every square inch of land taken from tribes needs to be returned

We have no problem with creating a system of very wealthy people not paying taxes.

I have no problem with your proposal.

Are you a descendant of slaves?