Reparations, the big freaken lie!

Yeah a great plan, for another revolution! :roll_eyes:


It’s another political tool for leftist liberals and Democrats who have no intention of reparations, it’s another way to keep the AA vote and to them on the Democrat Plantation. It’s pathetic. :angry:

So when republicans pass a tax break for the rich it is like giving them a check, albeit a smaller one than tax-free?

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Think what would happen if republicans took just one of those ideas and made it happen.

Not #1

Make a “Historical Family Farmers Estate Tax Cut” and tailor the qualifications to overlap heavily with slave descendents.

You know it’s election time when the reparations issue comes up again.

I have it on good authority the estate tax does not affect farmers.

I suggest reparations worth around $50 Billion. Any trump supporters agree with me?

No, Trump needs that for the wall. How about 1.5?

Ah, thank you. The name is really important so I’ll change it to “Tax cut for historical family Farms”

And include all family farms?

C’mon trump supporters, in the grand scheme of things, $20 Billion is not a lot.

$1B is all we can do, the deficit… the debt…

Yes. You qualify with a ancestry test that proves your family likely worked on an American Rice or Cotton farm in the 18th and 19th century.

Bummer. Please tell Kushner about the deficit…the debt.

I’m good with it, but how is an ancestry test going to tell you who worked. I worked them in the 70s and I want in.

Different basket. Please tell Ms. Green New Deal.

Riiight. :rofl:
$50 ■■■■■■■ Billion to help Muuuuslims!

First of all, oxon hill/fort Washington isn’t a poor neighborhood.
Casinos funding schools is BS.
Hell the residence of PG county didn’t want a casino. That what got Erhlich in trouble and he was a good Republican governor and Mike Steele (lt. Governor) was one of our own(from PG county)

Are you talking median property taxes?
If so Baltimore city and Charles county are not in the top.