Reparations of up to $800,000 for every Black Californian

He’s at least 5 generations removed from slavery. There’s no “we” worked for free there.

This will come as unpleasant surprise to the agitators but slavery is not a current event.


Looks like CA is forcing the issue to become a current event.

How are blacks that don’t live in CA going to feel about not getting free money?

Doubt even Cali can afford to give them what they are wanting.

If they do the blacks not living there may have another summer “of love”.


I am sure if CA starts doling out ANY…hear me good…ANY money for reparations you’d have to get a magnifying glass the size of a football field to find ONE dude who will REFUSE.
I’m white but I’d invest in shooe polish for me face and join them folks just to show how ridiculous that is.

Read the OP again. It’s not about people accepting or refusing free money, it’s about a “serious backlash” if some random dude doesn’t get what he thinks he deserves.

Good for you. :roll_eyes:

You might borrow some polish from Trudeau. :wink:

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This seems like a good thread to remind everyone of the day CNN’s dumbest anchor…Don Lemon…

Got his ass schooled by a British scholar reminding him of the beginnings of the “supply chain” and the numbers of people who died ending slavery…in response to Mr Lemon claiming the British Royals should be paying reparations…

The best part of MR. Lemon being left blankly starring at the camera with nothing to say is at about 1:45 on the link.


Why do Blacks get $800,000 reparations and not White slaves?


I would imagine those Japanese American citizens who actually went to concentration camps during ww2 in the US feel a little hosed after only getting 25k. Then again you don’t really hear them complaining about much.


I guess MY QUESTION is too uncomfortable to be answered.

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I didn’t mean to kill the thread with my question. But it still seems to have gone unanswered. I wonder why.

I wonder if the California’s reparations task force has addressed the following question:

Why do Blacks get $800,000 reparations under the proposal and not descendants of White slaves?


Why is the Democrat Party Leadership filling scarce public housing with illegal aliens when America’s needy Citizens, including U.S. Military Veterans, are going homeless?

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Would paying reparations square everything? Would AA be eliminated?

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As with any form of pandering, it never ends. The hands held out for what they were never entitled to will always be held out again.



I myself am completely on board with this and I don’t care what the arguments against it are. There’s absolutely no shortage of federal land going to complete waste right now. It’s no Platinum Plan, but it’s a yuge potential for waay more than just the land recipients (I’m turning black for this too, I only own 13 acres lol).

However, I think any proposed land should be an equal distance away from anything that would make it more valuable than someone else’s plot. There should be no restrictions on drilling for water either.

I’m totally on board with this too. As long as I don’t have to pay a single red cent. California can do whatever it wants. Just as long as it doesn’t affect me. I don’t live my life to compensate someone else. I couldn’t care less their plight.

Good luck with that, like the fed would just let California go bankrupt, sorry, too big to fail.

Suddenly 82%!!! Goes out of the window. :rofl:

They were indentured servants. There is a vast difference between that and US slavery