Reparations of up to $800,000 for every Black Californian

Violation of the 14th amendment. And the Civil Rights Act.


Yep…as long as it’s paid that year. No kicking this can down the road for others to pay later.

IMO…this guy is a comedian. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

every square inch of land goes back to the tribes?

When California launched the California reparations task force, it was a invite for any minority to put their hands out and demand payment. This guy is small potatoes. Let him scream to the clouds. Nothing is going to happen.

Tell people they deserve free money and then put your hand back in your pocket. What an interesting way to stir up an issue.


I’m going to identify as black

They should call it something different. Lithium plan? No wait gold plan?

Don’t owe them a thin dime.


Not to mention the clause forbidding corruptions of blood. Or ex post facto laws.

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Well I am a mutt but I am part Irish (and a tiny bit black.)
The Irish were enslaved by the Vikings, the English and the Haitians, the Vikings kept some of us but sold a lot to the Arabs so I figure I am entitled to
at least 4 X $800,000.

Plus I am 1/128 black (which is probably not enough to qualify) but my ancestors never owned slaves never lived in a Jim Crow state but they were bona fide northern abolitionists and fought for the Union in the Civil War so I must be entitled to even more.

I’ll tell ya what, I’ll let everyone else off the hook, especially the Haitians, as long as the Arabs and Norwegians write me a check then I will not take part in the “serious backlash.”

Sound fair?

The Irish also discovered the world

Had a couple of guínesse and forgot where they put it

The late great Robin Williams.


Come to think of it, the Irish used to raid Scotland and take slaves. (St Patrick.)
I don’t feel like writing any checks to Scottish people. Maybe we should call the whole thing off . . . well except for the Arabs they still owe me money.

I’m pretty sure there will eventually be riots. These will be in minority communities and will, as they always do, create more poverty and hardship … followed by accusations where one finger will noisily be pointing away and three silently pointing back (thumbs just do thumb stuff).

And race grievance hustlers have to work to keep out ahead of the human tendency to get used to stuff – to no longer be as outraged by the old levels of outrage – if they are the relative few who can get paid for it.

We could literally just give them the promised forty acres in a few of the less populated states. You can make a lot of financial moves once you own some land developed or not.

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A genetic test? 1/4? 1/8? 1/16?

A feeling test? Do you feel black?

A political views test? “If you don’t vote Democrat, you ain’t black.”

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:rofl: Give a hood rat 40 acres. Splendid idea. Where? Montana? Nevada?

Those places are “less populated” for a reason.

“We” who?

A Sherman the Arsonist/Rapist “promise” made under war powers.

The war is over.

Reperations Causers need to realize that just like Lost Causers do.


That promise was to newly freed families. Do we have any of them left?


That promise was made under martial law.

If they can find any living slaves i favor giving them something.

People 5 generations removed from slavery. Not just no but heck no! They deserve nothing.


“It’s a debt that’s owed, we worked for free,” he told the task force.

“We’re not asking — we’re telling you.”

First, he didn’t work for free. Second what a crappy, entitlement attitude.

This is an incredibly stupid idea. We all know the majority of these people are just going to piss the money away then be even more ticked off at the world.