Rep. Matt Gaetz introduces His Son

I mean…feel free to post the part of the exchange between Gaetz and Richmond that discredits this.

No, it isn’t. It is an example of politicians pandering. It’s how they get elected.

Whataboutism is the antidote to hypocrisy.

Someone suggested Gaetz was pandering, and you reflexively provided an example of Ds pandering, completely unrelated to the topic.

Step right up folks, and see a perfect example of #Whataboutism. Just scroll up to the kneeling Ds!

Its an example of pandering, and Cons coming to his defense when he’s called out on it.

He’s white.

Right…I understand the real anger here. The fact that libs can’t say Gaetz don’t like “Brown People”.

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■■■■■■■■ come in all colors.

Ok, so what? Obama was pandering when he did the EO for the illegal DACA?

This will be


every time you type it.

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But only the white ones are racist.

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And so are most libs…and your point?

Clearly not.

Did he use a…ahem “family member” .


Really?..Do tell.

You know what’s funny. I can’t count the number of times I’m been told or refereed too by posters here as a racist…are person that doesn’t like “Brown People” and not knowing anything about my family, friends or those I’ve worked with over 4 decades.

And I’m not only one that was judges by libs here either. :wink:

Truth…libs are more pissed that hty couldn’t play the race card on him…and that what has em all upset.


Gaetz should have just introduced the boy as his daughter, no problem~ !


For all practical purposes he is. He’s as much the father as the dad in a foster home or who raises his wife’s kids from a prior marriage.

This is the America you folks wanted and created so embrace it.

I am sure a nice person would not try to get two grieving fathers ejected from a public hearing into background checks. Two fathers who lost a daughter and a son shot and killed at MSD in Parkland, Florida.

Pandering? He rescued this kid 9 years ago.