Rep. Kathy Castor (D - USSR) Pressures Google, Youtube to Censor Opposing Viewpoints

all things you dont agree with

sorry others do. they shouldn’t be pressured by govmnt to keep quiet

no matter how much you disagree

Then don’t use their free service.

Easy Peasy.

Maybe one for the southern hemisphere and one for the northern hemisphere?

You oppose differing opinions and speech? Got it. :roll_eyes:

Does he run google?

Is Google the only place on the internet to exchange ideas?

People are free to talk about whatever they want.

If a company doesn’t want to amplify and reward the spreading of nonsense then that is their choice to make.

A Congresswoman making an argument that the company should not reward and amplify the spreading of nonsense is her choice to make.

Google has a choice as to whether they want to take her advice.

Yay Freedom.


And those “others” can go to 100 different internet places to get their kooky internet conspiracy fix.

Why should Google be forced to carry it?

I say if a free platform isn’t delivering the content that you want… stop complaining and use something else.

Yay Freedom!


So did you snip out the remainder of the sentance on purpose or accidently to change the context of what it said.

It didn’t say remove the video’s immediately, it said remove the videos from the recommendation algorithm. The videos would still be there for anyone to view if they wanted.

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i hear that all sorts of things can be found over on

lol love it. shes not just “making the argument”

shes applying pressure to control info so it presents what she agrees with

You are supporting quite the opposite of freedom.

What legislation is being proposed here?

What compulsion is being applied?

We should probably just refer to her as comrade.

maybe you didnt see this post:

shes pressuring to remove vids, regardless of where they are presented or promoted, or where they appear in recommendation algos etc

to an end where something that would otherwise be there if it werent for her

Also it is a request, not a requirement, for Google to do so. If Google chooses to remove the videos from its recommendation algorithm, then that is their choice. But no one is forcing them to do anything.

Losing money would make them change faster that a strongly worded letter from a congresswoman

I do remember the maxims: “fair and balanced” and “we report, you decide”.

How so?

I am saying that a private company is able to do what they wish with their private platform.

If someone doesn’t like it then use a different platform.

How is that not Freedom?

democrat forces control of content, and you run to how biased or not fox news is


“democrat” will do