Rep. Jim Jordan denies any knowledge of sexual abuse or misconduct, eye-witnesses say he directly witnessed it

I know. Lots of words without asterisks are confusing.

Ask the women Bill Cosby raped.

Mandatory Reporter law.


Mandatory Reporter Law


Mandatory Reporter Law


His polling numbers will go up with the Base.


Yeah…all those people are lying…

I don’t know why, but I have read this reply a hundred times and still find it fascinating.


It’s only being brought out now because he hurt Democrats feelings during their impeachment witch hunt.

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Gym Jordan’s a hero of the right. Of course his poll numbers will go up.

Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert gives you a thumbs up.

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Ooh, swing and a miss. Look at when his thread was posted.

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A year and a half ago. It was posted 24 years after it supposedly happened. Big difference.

Dude said it was because of impeachment. Go play.

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That’s generally how abuse cases work.

When Jimmy Saville victims came forward after his death, there ended up being 450+ victims alleging abuse, doubtless with even more who didn’t want to say anything.

He abused them over a period of 5 decades. Still barely a peep about any of it till after he was dead.

Abusers profile their victims to ensure their silence, and seek positions of power for their own protection.

Once a few brave victims come forward the floodgates open, as the abusers tend to be prolific. But it takes a long time for victims to come forward, typically.


It’s only coming out now to take away attention from a socialist winning New Hampshire

It’s only coming out now to take away attention from Nancy pelosi committing a criminal act in ripping up Trump’s state of the union speech

It’s only coming out now to take away attention from Mike Bloomberg’s racist tape coming out. What he said about that stop and frisk policy I love and want to spread across the entire country was disgraceful.

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Well that settles it, back to Catholicism for me.

Impeachment was already on Democrats plans when trump won the presidency

Do you have evidence of that?

You can just say you assumed incorrectly y’know.