Rep. Amash leaves the Republican party

With every tweet like this, Trump just continues to give evidence of just how small of a person he is. He is the kind of wealthy person who makes others despise those with wealth, with his condescending and insulting attitudes towards everyone else.


Speaking of Ted Cruz, it irritates me that I voted for him in the 2016 primaries now. The dude is kissing up to the man child that insulted his wife.

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Turns out that a portion of the party were simply jealous when they talked about the coastal elitists of the Democratic Party.

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It’s kind of funny that Republican politicians are so impotent that they won’t even protect our own wives from Donald Trump.

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And his father

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Ted is the poster child for every Republican who needs to shut up and take a knee before Donald and thank him for saving the party and the nation. Otherwise they can leave like that low-ratings ingrate Amash.

As the Republican Party no longer exists other than as a vehicle to defend Trump no matter what he does, one of the President’s chief critics in Congress has apparently decided it no longer makes sense for him to stick around. Relatively soon after he announced he was leaving the Freedom Caucus he helped found, perhaps the only principled Republican left in Congress let it be known he was also moving on from the Republican Party to become an independent.

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Good for him.

Wish I could say it will miss him.

Bit of foreshadowing from '17:

“Hopefully, over time, [the] two parties start to fall apart,” says Rep. Justin Amash (R-Michigan) in an interview with Reason recorded last week at Freedom Fest in Las Vegas. “I can go straight to Twitter or Facebook or elsewhere and tell people exactly what I stand for.”

King Trump and his loyal subjects have already cast him aside as being anti-American, Trump-hating liberal.

I think he should have remained within the party, and tried to get other Republicans to understand his views.

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The dude is famously known amongst the press as one of the hardest to find Congressmen in DC, not for being a press whore.

How many times have you seen him interviewed? After calling for Trumps impeachment he could have had a slot on cable news every day of the week.

Unfortunately, the Republican Party became a lost cause the moment it became obvious Trump would be a Republican nominee. That party is now relegated to the status of a fringe movement in the form of an Alex Jones / Donald Trump type conspiracy theory movement.

Before then, I thought there might be hope that the party could be saved. The nomination of Trump removed that hope, and was the last nail in the coffin.

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"Low ratings! Can’t get re-elected! A TOTAL LOSER!

And now, back to our fabulous ‘Salute to Me’ parade!"

I can’t tell you how sickening this is. And on this day. What a petty little sick so-called man this is.

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there is no more republican party.
there is just a cult of trump worshipers


Well, hopefully a Dem pickup. We’re gerrymandered as ■■■■■ His crocodile tears mean little to me.

Amash voting record is extremely conservative.

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He should have made up several names and tried to get newspapers to write about him.

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Good riddance to bad rubbish.

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