Rename The Squad the “Hamas Caucus”!

Not putting your own countrymen on the same level as Hamas and the Taliban for one.

I’m pro-trans and pro-gay rights. I’m ambivalent about abortion.

Wanna try that again?

The (D)efense is strong with the terrorist-lover from Minnesota Somalia.

You’re confusing your dissent-stomping jingoist nonsense with a geopolitics.

This loyalist rah-rah is gross.

“American” is a state of mind. She don’t have it.


So what should the punishment be fore not having an “American mindset”?

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Not talking 'bout you.

No punishment. No pedestal.

Writes the ninety nations guy?

Yes, it does.


I’m not saying she has to agree with me or anyone else.

I’m saying that she know the difference between the United States and the ■■■■■■■ Taliban when it comes to waging war.

We are nothing like them.

  1. Yep.

War is not moral. Please, holy odin and loki’s grin, stop this brain-rotting jingoist moralization of FP.

It certainly can be.

It’s okay the US FP involves doing bad ■■■■■ as long as it’s strategic, and the consequences worth the cost. And it’s okay to embrace the fact that rival actors don’t have military supremacy, and pursue their goals accordingly.

And while I don’t hold Rep. Omar’s moralist position, I agree that the US is better served by taking a consistent stance with regard to war crimes.

“Bad” is in the eye of the beholder.

Everything is ‘moral’ when the killing stops.

Petty nonsense.

Or starts.

Is it?