Remember when people used to trust the FBI?

Wow, that’s just scary!!!

The FBI and DOJ are corrupt to the bone. Lie about collusion and tear the country apart for 3 years and virtually nothing happens.

Solitary confinement is torture. So is never ending prescution.

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After 2 Months - FBI Releases New Videos of Suspect Who Placed Two Pipe Bombs at DNC, RNC Night Before Capitol Riot

Notice the guy is a little bow-legged?

could it be this guy:

Capital riot guy

The soggy laptop was totally 100% on the up and up.

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Contents from the laptop have been independently confirmed.

I agree with the agents’ letter: “We do not have evidence of Russian involvement.” That statement was rarely mentioned in the media. The profound disinterest by the FBI and the media in Bobulinski’s statements shows that they were happy to hide clear evidence of a foreign corruption of the leading presidential candidate. This is amazing and frightening at the same time.

Is the FBI corrupted by China as well? Is it time to defund the FBI?

Yeah. I had no doubt that there was content that was true.

The journey that the soggy laptop took to get out there… super sketchy.

Burisma was hacked by GRU, that is public The whole laptop thing was to mix in and edit emails with the hacked data like they did with the DNC hacks, make it look like all of the emails were from the hack in a frame up to be delivered by Trumps fixer Rudy Giuliani.

It is as if Hunter was a strung-out junkie who secretly wanted to get caught so he could get some help . . .

I bet it is! The FBI most likely overlooked it.

They owe me $50,000.

The next step is to locate photos of bow-legged FBI field agents in the area.

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That time was decades ago…

At a minimum I would love to see the FBI’s budget cut to provide compensation for deaths, injuries, and property damages the Blanifa riots. The FBI seems to be doing more covering up than investigating for those violent insurrections.


Protecting American people is low priority…protecting their interest and political agenda is.

Lol this is going to be awesome

Look at that man’s legs. Look really hard.

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I can’t stop looking. Clearly he didn’t skip leg day.

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You have no evidence of any of that regarding the laptop or DNC emails. Donna Brazile claimed that about the email showing she aided Clinton with the answers in the debate…at first. CNN didn’t even buy it.
There is no evidence of any emails being faked. Which specific emails were fake and what evidence do you have?
If they had included fake letters in the DNC cache, they would have been juicier than they were.

This is why no Weiner (‘s laptop) can get a Clinton in trouble.

Interview with former Navy Chaplain, witness at Capital riot. Says it was Antifa dressed in black and Trump supporters were invited in.