Remember when people used to trust the FBI?

There was at time when people used to trust the FBI and other institutions. Recent years have shown that they are not trustworthy as outlined in this video:

For recent examples of FBI actions that reduce trust consider what has happened in response to protests in recent month. The FBI has arrested Trump supporters who entered the Capitol and is holding them without bail under allegedly abusive conditions while awaiting trial:

Meanwhile a Blantifa man who posed as a Trump supporter has been released without bail:

And the US Justice Department has been quietly dropping cases arising from violent Antifa attacks in against federal agents and federal property at the courthouse in Portland.

As far as protecting election integrity, the FBI has clearly failed to provide credibility with disturbing reports that they seized and destroyed ballots in Georgia to prevent an audit:

Has the FBI become a secret police akin to the Stasi?

Are people who being held without trial after entering the Capitol really political prisoners?

Is the lack of trust in the FBI part of a bigger problem?


Never trusted any kind of law enforcement

Ship them to Quantanimo. That’s what we do to terrorists.

One of obamas failed promises.

And since he failed and it’s still open we can send the Trump-train troopers there

The Gateway Pundit?
About as far-right wingnut conspiracy rag as you can get.

There isn’t wide-spread distrust in our institutions.
Do you know how silly it sounds when Trump supporters spread this language after he was in charge of all federal institutions for four years? The only thing he cleaned up was to fire any Inspector General who found fault in what Trump and/or his Cabinet were doing.

I agree that the FBI has taken on some of the characteristics of terror organization, but Guantanamo is reserved for illegal enemy combatants.

Should people who police allowed into the Capitol be held without bail and subjected to abuse while in detention awaiting trial?

Slippery slopes and all… those arrested in the January 6th insurrection meet the definition of an illegal enemy combatant.

If the judge deems they are a risk? Yes

The officers who assisted should also be arrested

I’m sorry.

Isolation is torture now?..You must really be against waterboarding then…

The state-controlled media has been fawning over the FBI and CIA, especially since they targeted the Trump campaign and administration for unprecedented illegal surveillance and harassment.

Right now I would say that the biggest difference between Putin’s Russia and where the US government is heading that it is clear who is in charge in Russia. Putin is a former KGB agent with deep roots in the surveillance state and there is little doubt that he is in charge.

Like the US, Russia nominally has free speech and other civil rights, but the system uses oligarchs who are friendly to Putin control the major media and to suppress any dissent. Secret police and corrupt justice system vigorously punish anyone who is a serious political threat to Putin. Elections are shams with banning of opposition candidates and non-credible elections systems.

It looks like Democrats are following Putin’s playbook, but there is every reason to believe FBI and CIA oversight means that President and Congress answer to the surveillance agencies not the other way around.

Is a government under the control of the FBI and CIA a good thing?

Mueller might be the last FBI director worth half a ■■■■ since Clintoon fired Sessions. Wray looks to be another foot dragging partisan.

Institutions are made up of people and people tend to have biases and to lie.

This has been going on for a long time. I remember when I was in High School I was disagreeing with someone on some subject and they said “the President said it was true”. I had no argument left because the President (LBJ) said it was true. Just a few years later I would have laughed that off as an argument.

I don’t know whether that was just a change in me or a change in attitude of the country. Perhaps both.

FBI is hands down the most dangerous agency in the world…if they want your ass they’re have it…and now they’re in hands of DNC and communist regime.

Trump should have gutted that agency…but repugs didn’t have the ■■■■■■■ balls.


Christoper Wray is all about power…the power to be used against anyone that opposes his world views.

Bin Laden is less feared.

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People were shocked when Eisenhower lied about the U2 spy plane crash back in 1960. He said that the U2 was a weather research aircraft, then Khrushchev produced a live pilot and wreckage that proved it was a spy plane.

The credibility of the FBI reached a low in the 1970s after the Church committee showed that the agency had spied on antiwar and civil-rights groups during the Vietnam War. They also engaged in a wide variety of dirty tricks to discredit and confuse these groups.
What is the COINTEL program? Is it relevant today? - Outside The Beltway - Hannity Community

They seem to be up to their old tricks now. The difference is the FBI and CIA are now dominated by leftist elements instead of anti-Communist Cold Warriors.


:rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:

To bad Trump didn’t fired all those ■■■■■ on 6th and 7th floor.

A government that doesn’t stick to its enumerated powers does not deserve trust.

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