Remember it was supposed to only be TWO WEEEKS?

What even more amazing is that we’re the ones that are gullible “sheep”


It was regurgibleeted sheople food. Amirite?


I haven’t counted, but he’s not far wrong.

Link?..or did you just completely make this up?..amirite?


Yes he is. We’re in the midst of reopening here in lberal California. I went surfing for the first time since March on Saturday (and have been working the entire time)


Am I supposed to go there and count, when you won’t bother to?

Hard pass.

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Actually -It shows he is wrong.
CO -Dem gov -Open
OH / MD - R gov - Shut down
RI - Dem gov -Open

Thats just what i know off top of my head. Not to mention he said a absolute. Not a “It seems” or “Rough numbers” he stated very clearly - 26 states open and 24 blue states shut"
Its a true / false statement. It is false.


Trump is a leftist?

Since the count isn’t true (but it is a meme that is spreading so I’m not surprised you of all people spread it here…:sunglasses:) the conclusion is of course also not true (somewhat).


nothing i posted suggests that.

Hey just blindly believing things you want to be true because you saw it in a meme is bah bah baaaaaad amirite


Yes it appears the talking point was mindlessly accepted without any type of validation whether it was true or not. That’s baaaaaad.

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He is the one responsible for the template states followed is he not?

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is he the one currently keeping states closed?

amazing how the push to blame trump is starting to form

That’s quite the goalpost shift from your original statement. Trump’s blueprint is what the states followed so why should he be blameless in the situation?

is trump the one who keeps directing that things be shut down?

He tried playing both sides of the issue as usual and is the one who initiated it. Now why should he be blameless for the blueprint he’s responsible for?

Is there anywhere in the guidelines where it says they should only be implemented for a couple weeks? I’m pretty sure there isn’t

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It absolutely does.

“15 Days to Stop the Spread” was Trump’s Administration.

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yes or no please