Remember how I said Anarchy is tool for libs

How many people in our military are socialist and/or communist?

Thanks for the Trump game plan…now libs can begin to work around it. :shushing_face:

Ask for what? Seriously…what are they asking for?

No. He has not condemned it. He has used it as a tool to blame liberals. He’d rather have cities burn, and businesses in ruin so he can benefit from it politically. That’s who he is. Let bad things happen, and it will be good for me…Donald J. Trump.


Yep. It is Democrats burning down their own cities and allowing their constituents buildings to burn and then saying that if you give them back power they will stop it.
I believe its called “the protection racket”.

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Sad you believe that.

Ooh-ooh-ooooh, Mr. Kotter. I know the answer!

It seems Trump continues to play his supporters for chumps.

Nope. It won’t be big time. If Trump wins it will be a squeaker. But according to the numbers right now, Trump is toast. And I don’t think this issue with the riots is going to have much of a affect. But I will be the first one here to admit I was wrong if Trump pulls this out. But I still do think that if the left gets Obama like turnout it will be a done deal.

There’s an analogy in there somewhere the applies to current day politicians and rioters. :wink:

Hmm - yeah, we have a president who brags about bringing chaos to the table, but everything going on today in Trump’s America is somehow Biden’s fault - even though Biden is just a candidate at this point.

Seems perfectly logical.

Remember, investigating candidate Trump was a coup against President Trump, so…

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It’s not Biden’s fault. Biden made a deal with it.

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Sad that you don’t. The dem mayors could stop it but choose not to.

Trump offers help to stop it and they refuse the help.

But hey libs are gonna believe what they choose to unfortunately. :roll_eyes:

I believe I asked this before, but maybe in another thread.

What are they supposed to ask for? And what is it that Trump can give them?

Accept the offer of Trump to bring in the National Guard and squash the rioters like the vermin they are.

At the very least these mayors could allow the police to do their jobs.

This thing could be put down fairly quickly.

Squashing the vermin is my comment not Trump’s.

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Chad Wolf, DHS:

“I urge you to prioritize public safety and to request federal assistance to restore law and order in Portland,” Wolf wrote in the letter dated Aug. 31. “We are standing by to support Portland. At the same time, President Trump has made it abundantly clear that there will come a point when state and local officials fail to protect its citizens from violence, the federal government will have no choice but to protect our American citizens.”

I believe this observation is true. This man wants to win and, at this point, a big, high-minded, unifying, we’re all Americans, let’s stop the violence and build America together speech is not going to happen.

The guy running Portland is a piece of crap.

Trump does not order the national guard…The specific Governors of the state order in the national guard. Trump does not have control of the Wisconsin or Oregon National Guard.

This is all a scheme to make the governors look like Trump is offering a solution to the problem and they are refusing his solution. The Governor of Wisconsin has called in his own National Guard as I saw on the news last night. He doesn’t need TRUMP. The only thing the federal government can offer is MONEY and Federal agencies.

Things in Kenosha have been relatively peaceful for several nights now. I hope it stays that way after the President comes and visits there today.

Tony Evers has requested his own guard, and the guards from several other states to come in and help…and they are. He did not go to Trump because Trump has no authority to order guard troops to deploy.