Remember "Fish Tank Lady"?

I can go back to the O’Keefe and discuss how another one of your “favorite guys” “frames” his videos so as to tell a certain kind of “story”, if you’d like.

Especially the one where he went to court and had to admit he doctored his videos.

I’m sure that will make a HUGE impression on your respect for these “great guys” because your “razor-sharp instincts” can spot Fake News purveyors a mile away…:sunglasses:

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How did you make out what you implied that Crowder pushed the guy to the ground? I coudn’t make that out, how did you? Thanks for providing this because even the Turk said he couldn’t tell that? You’ve been sheoplized and now you’re regurgibleeting this fake news in the circle you travel in. My gosh. Thank you for making my point today. You’ve been very helpful. :sunglasses:

Of course he pushed him down. It was plain as day.

I didn’t even listen to the conversation…watched the video.

Yeah…plain as day…even though the act itself wasn’t filmed and the host of the video you provided also said, he couldn’t tell either? You’ve been sheoplized my friend. Now you know, it can happen to anybody? :sunglasses:

And I quoted the person actually doing the investigating.

If it had been ruled a suicide they wouldn’t be investigating further without new evidence.

Speaking of misrepresentations, that video doesn’t show Crowder pushing anyone down.

You and Uigar are both misrepresenting what is shown on the video.

You should listen to Cenk.