I know many of you will say if this guy just listened to the officer this wouldnt have happened. Should his being rude excuse this officer for leaving this 61yo man with 8 broken ribs? If he was so confrontational in his failure to comply, why didnt they prosecute? This officer should be incarcerated.
How stupid do you want cops to be? You would have to be a complete moron to take that job without qualified immunity. Pay me a hundred million a year and I would think about it.
I guess I better learn the different types of “Immunity” if I am going to post on them.
All I am saying, is a police officer shouldnt be able to hide behind his badge when he does something that is obviously illegal for anyone else to do. Leaving this guy with 8 broken ribs is obviously illegal. Shutting off his body cam is obviously illegal or damn well should be.
All Police Officers should be required to be “Bonded” that they pay for. They do something stupid, the “Bond” pays out, not the citizens of the locale. Currently, when they do something egregious, they just jump to a new department. Having a Bond would eliminate that. When the Bond pays out, the cost to purchase the bond goes up. If they do something really egregious, like brake grandpa’s 8 ribs, they wouldnt be able to afford the bond increase.