Red Hens sky is falling ... Wilkinson Out

Bro…no meltdown here. I’m truly sad that people are out of work. Yes, they’ll prob get jobs somewhere else.

And sad that this has blown up.

Sarah thrown out of a restaurant. This Wilkinson lady loses her civic group position.

The people complaining to other “hen-restaurants”, poop throwers, and Maxine are the ones melting down. Jeez.

Yes, they are.

Nobody is out of work.

Her employees were the ones who requested Sanders leave.

I’m surprised the trumpanzees haven’t gone on a window smashing spree yet.

Actually Starbuck’s is an excellent example. Just how many liberals have been lining up to buy coffee in support of CEOs hard leftist policies? Oh wait, CEO was ousted after they turned on him for kicking out a couple of unruly customers who happened to be black. Now they are closing ~150 stores.

Riots are usually the lefts thing.

I love that a MAGAt’s idea of Making America Great Again is to throw poop on something.


Holding feces to own the libs!

Poo flinging patriot.


These MAGAs are definitely not going to take you aside quietly and then comp you on your cheese plate. That’s for cucks.

From my cold dead hands!

That’s a liberal’s move.

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Lol ok stick with throwing poop and shouting Make America Great Again!

So is calling up businesses - the wrong businesses - and threatening them with death.

Oh - no it’s Trump supporters doing that.

Did Wilkinson leave that volunteer group because the others were outraged at her requesting a customer leave because of her job, or did they do so because they were terrified that the psychos threatening every Red Hen restaurant in the world would start coming after their businesses too?

Maybe there weren’t any cop cars or policemen around.

Good question. Someone should ask them.

Apparently there were as the person who threw it was arrested.

More autistic screeching.

You’re suggesting that no bakeries, pizza joints or Republican politicians have received the same?? What a larf.

Stop watching so much msnb/cnn.

Maybe the local mayor hasn’t given them “space to destroy”.