Recreational Marijuana Going Legal in Michigan

So you have absolutely no serious evidence that “Heroin and concaine” have a chance of being legalized…

Well beyond random internet opinions.

Got it. :joy:

i didnt say i did.

keep trying to change the argument i see

having alcohol doesnt mean we should be making opioid addictions any easier


Of course you don’t, because there is no chance of it happening. :joy:

But but…

but what? lol. none of that contradicts what i have been saying.

youve been going round and round trying to tie up the argument

give it up. youve been shown to be wrong.

I said what about opioid addiction? Actually I do support physicians being able to prescribe them for patients in severe pain that won’t be healed in the short term. But since when is marijuana an opioid?

janet - prescriptions are not the same as legalizing for rec use

i also happen to support medical uses of marijuana.

we scramble to keep opioids off the street due to their destructive effects on people ( much moreso than booze).

making them avail (ie, ending “prohibition”) would be disastrous

is everyone aware of how colorado (and other places) is dealing with rec pot?

it’s damaging to society. this is not the issue to become armchair libertarians over

You made statements about people pushing to legalize “everything else’, specifically cocaine and heroin.

When asked to provide proof that people are trying to legalize it… because you do understand that requires political change, right? … you just start rambling about how you never meant legal/political change…

But you found an opinion article! :+1::rofl::sweat_smile:

If traffic accidents concern you then you better be for prohibition as well.

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“marijuana causes increase in accidents but so what because alcohol”

reminds me of a cartoon i once saw:


it’s not but theres support for legalizing everything, or ending “prohibition”

Beyond the hypocrisy of pretending to care about how drugs impact traffic accidents, while ignoring the worst offender of them all, the data I have seen indicated that the majority of incidents were using BOTH.

who said i ignored anything?

yes, BOTH, one of which is pot, making accidents more of a problem

I do not smoke nor do I drink yet I am for freedom of choice in this manner.

I will be voting yes for freedom for jerseyites to smoke weed next year.


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Here is an interesting map with article about intoxicants & traffic fatalities.

Marijuana as a source in a traffic fatality was most likely in drivers age 17-27. Dispensaries in Massachusetts don’t sell to anyone under 21, and, IIRC it appears that will be similar in Michigan.

Source of intoxication in fatal crashes seems to vary as drivers age.

Actually it looks like you simply consumed a giant nothingburger. At most the increases were temporary and data indicates they all decreased to normal or were an aberration. Oops!

Funny that conservatives think criminals follow DUI laws.

the verge. landline…

i posted cnbc. lol

yeah - oops

newsflash for all instant armchair libertarians!

dui’s and alcohol related car crashes/deaths are not support for making it more dangerous to drive

mind blowing i know