Recession warning

There seems to be a bit of projection happening in this thread…


You should totally be on CNBC

The OP is overflowing with the confidence of having evidence that supports his claim and prediction. The expectation is that the credibility of being correct will change the opinions of the wrong.

He’s expecting too much. People will just accuse him of cheering a recession.


I think we should put our collective heads in the sand.

And if a recession hits, everyone can look surprised, and Trump can blame Feds and Democrats for everything.


Go Team!

That’s just weird. Rush said what he said. It just wasn’t what you said he said.

I knew what you were talking about. I wasn’t trying to bait you.

Sorry for that.

Here is a rush quote:

“Okay, I’ll send you a response, but I don’t need 400 words, I need four: I hope he fails.” (interruption) What are you laughing at? See, here’s the point. Everybody thinks it’s outrageous to say. Look, even my staff, “Oh, you can’t do that.” Why not? Why is it any different, what’s new, what is unfair about my saying I hope liberalism fails? Liberalism is our problem. Liberalism is what’s gotten us dangerously close to the precipice here. Why do I want more of it? I don’t care what the Drive-By story is. I would be honored if the Drive-By Media headlined me all day long: “Limbaugh: I Hope Obama Fails.” Somebody’s gotta say it.

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That’s not saying he hopes America fails.

No matter how many times you all run it out there.

Now this is the bait…


obama is not America.

I think that we are going to go through a slow down with the economy, but I don’t know about a recession anytime soon.

Well, Hillary didn’t lose the popular vote.

All hail president hillary,

Talking about things means cheering for them? Better stay out of those white supremacy threads.


Dow down 600. Eventually we’ll get over 26K for the 19th time

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All this winning

Well it’s certainly not flying along.

GDP estimates are about 2 for the 3Q2019.


Doesn’t change the fact that US banks won’t lend your favorite politician a dime and that his mommy and daddy had to continually bail him out of financial blunders.

I think our state elections should go to an electorial college type system. That way you could lose the popular vote in your state but still be elected.

Which specific words in the OP give you that impression?