Re-instituting religion forum rule?

That’s fine. But I have not seen “personal attacks” here and the examples in this thread aren’t “personal attacks”. Personal attacks aren’t allowed on any forum. So until you provide a concrete example of what a personal attack “through someone’s religion” is, then I’ll just write this thread off as an attempt to silence opposition and atheism. Calling a belief an imagination, or a belief in a myth to be false isn’t personal attack.

You are correct that calling the BELIEF is not an attack on a person.

And your claim that Aethist’s get attack we can just say that is an imaginary belief as well right? Because you can’t prove it either.

But i will give YOU the benefit of doubt that some people have attacked Aethists’s for not believing in a god or gods.
See how civility works we allow the other person’s belief to be taken into account and accept it as fact to further a more civil discussion since neither can prove or disapprove it.

I just don’t want a vague rule based on false accusations that gives a green light to shut out dissenting opinion. Dats a

Fair enough i wouldn’t want peoples opinions to be silenced either.

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You are really just shutting down what could be a fellowship subforum. This is a discussion forum. While discussion may have debates, there are also discussions that are not debates. The idea that a forum MUST allow every discussion to have a debate is bogus.

The truth is - if you would admit it - is that you prefer not to allow discussion of spiritual matters without a Berkeley-like protest in the form of noxious posts that degrade, ridicule, and offend believers.

I don’t want a vague rule based on false assumptions ( that debate MUST be an integral part of every discussion) that gives a green light to shut down discussion that is meant to be healing and comforting to others.

Lol what a load

Pot meet kettle. I’m sorry I don’t believe the same things as you.

so you claim you have never seen nor heard of a discussion that didn’t include debate?

No I’m saying yoir freaking out because atheists are expressing their opinion, mislabeling them as personal, then calling me a “westboro” and “noxious”.

If you spent as much time asking atheists what they believe as you havebloating up this thread claiming victim and trying to silence them then maybe you’d have a better time here

Go to a church if you want to coalesce with like minded people who wont challenge your views. Weren’t you the one complaining about this new board being kumbaya?

in centers of excellence for science and technology, there are special discussions that do not include debate. In fact, the rules of these special discussions prohibit debate at that time. Debate can come afterwards…These special discussions are meant to nurture and incubate an idea… not weed out what is true and what isn’t. This type of special discussion is called… brainstorming.

go to a debate club, sparky, if you feel the need to debate everything.

Nah I’ll just stay here and debate anyone I choose to.

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This is a discussion board where we members are freely allowed to discuss their beliefs.

do you believe that all discussion involves debate?

Do you think that questioning the premise of a thread is staying "on topic"m

But not tell others their beliefs suck.

You just described 95% of the threads on here.

Quite right, but for some reason religion needs some sort of special rule so one’s sense, faith, and prideful belonging to said religion isn’t hurt. Jesus wasn’t a snowflake, dude supposedly got strung up with nails through his freakin hands or wrists depending on who you believe… Aparently a few posters around here wanna get all butthurt when someone tells them it’s a fairy tale.