Rashida Tlaib - The Answer

Well dang, paradise lost I guess.

I agree with the theory, with which I am familiar. Escalation after escalation. Kavanaugh was another good example.

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Not hardly.

This is an excellent post. I share your cynicism.

How about you worry about how you post? Wouldn’t that be something?

Amen. I’ve been preaching the same thing. I’m glad you actually got some response though.

It doesn’t make any sense- if you don’t like Trump’s rhetoric, if you don’t like foul language in politics, then why resort to it yourself? The responses I have gotten in the past deflect back to Trump.

He served me a tax cut. He’s serving me judges.

About to serve you some nice eminent domain and trillion dollars defecit

No, he’s not.

The deficit is a spending problem.

If y’all can be okay with Trump and Kavanaugh’s sexual assaults to get yourself a small tax cut, we can be okay with a single bad word. Deal?

Trump doesn’t care one whit about you.

Almost right the deficit is an income and spending problem. Guess who’s been doing all of the spending? Your favorite idiot that’s who

Rumor, gossip, unfounded accusations.

I do, because they’re a huge part of the problem in this country. I like to keep tabs on it. Know the enemy.

No, it’s a spending problem.


Trump admitted it on camera.

Kavanaugh is he said she said. You believe him. I believe them.

Staring into the abyss. Thank you.

“They did it first! >: ( >: ( >: (”

Admitted what?

Them who?

Won’t have a spending problem if you didnt have an income problem.

Congress approves a budget but who gets to actually spend the money…not congress thanks to our constitution.

Brace and rejoice!