Rand Paul outs the whistleblower - 2 questions

How do you know that? Even Schiff doesn’t know who he is? He said so…over and over.

I don’t know why the President would have to use his personal lawyer and some mobsters to work to remove an Ambassador… but it is what he did.

I would love to hear the explanation as to why the President worked to cut the State Department out of his actions also.

I mean… the way that he ended up doing it seems really unnecessary and sketchy. I would love to know why he did it the way that he did it.

Wouldn’t you?

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I don’t know why he would, either.

It’s solely for intimidation. They know this guy will be stalked and harassed for years now.

What the Trump acolytes keep forgetting is that his accusations were confirmed with sworn testimony from others including Trumps own appointees who really didn’t want to tell the truth and had to go back and revise their testimony multiple times as more information came out that that showed they were clearly lying to try to protect Trump.

It will be interesting to watch now as Trump goes on the warpath seeking revenge.

So why did he ■■■■■■■ do it? We literally have a recording.

I honestly don’t know. Why do you think Trump worked with gangsters?

So… it seems like there was something quite off going on.

Something that maybe should have been brought to the attention of an Inspector General to look into.

Would you agree?

Unless of course the fictional narrative is actually all wrong…There is that.

Rip it up!!

But… it isn’t.

It happened.

No one denies that it did.

Well… maybe not no one… only the reality challenged.

Would you like to hear Trump saying it?

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Give us a literal transcript of that recording then and we will see what it tells us. As I recall, he says he was going to get rid of that ambassador and then he didn’t get rid of her. He could have picked up the phone and done it in five minutes. And how does that work into this alleged scheme to get Biden, since that discussion took place a year before Biden decided to run?
Frankly, Biden just isn’t that formidable.

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So he’s literally on tape with gangsters saying it but it doesn’t count because reasons. Lol

No. Nothing but allegations and fishing expeditions. We’ve wasted enough time on these fishing expeditions. Get probable cause or forget about it. None of this give us thousands of documents and we’ll see if we can get him this time.

Better luck in his second term.

it is really odd isn’t it?

Why would the President go to the lengths that he did go through to remove an ambassador when he could have done so at his discretion for literally any reason?

Why employ mobsters to intimidate and see that she is “going to go through some things”?

Why. use mobsters at all?

it would seem like something that should be brought to the attention of the IG?

Wouldn’t you agree?

That’s exactly what the fired ambassador asked. Why didn’t trump just fire her?

Count for proof of what? Its proof that someone was telling him that she was undercutting him and talking about how he was going to be impeached…which she may or may not have been doing. I don’t recall him planning a hit.

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Lol I remember when you were in absolute hysterics because Obama knew a guy who knew a guy. Now there’s tape of the president talking to monsters and you’re like, “What’s the big deal?” Lol. Hypocrisy is a fickle mistress.


Transcript? You can listen to the tape recording yourself. He’s plotting with Ukrainian gangsters about removing a US amboassabor. That he appointed.

You don’t think that’s worth looking into?

So you don’t agree that the President having repeated contact with Eastern European mobsters through his personal lawyer and working to circumvent the normal channels of the State Department to employ a policy to pressure a foreign government to publicly open an investigation on a potential political rival and pursue long debunked conspiracy theories that conflict with the assessment of his own IC to be no big deal.

Imagine if Obam…

Oh never mind.

So you are OK with the POTUS taking advice about ambassadors he appointed from mobsters instead of his state department?

And you realize that these mobsters FOLLOWED the ambasssor, surveilled her to teh point that they knew when she was using her computer, and where.