Radio host Todd Starnes out at Fox News

I don’t think that’s correct.

I got it straight from the horse’s mouth.

Not scripted as in word for word.

But tightly controlled.

There’s no way Starnes didn’t know beforehand what his guest would say.

I called into Hannity once and got through to the screener. He asked what I wanted to talk about (healthcare from a lib perspective) and set me up to call back the next day at a specific time.

I called back, was in hold until my turn, and then had a discussion with Sean.

It wasn’t scripted but they did know what I was going to discuss. I’ll also note that they controlled the call and I found my volume was turned down without my knowledge as I ended up talking to myself. And I am not one to monopolize s conversation.

Where am I going to get my War on Christmas and Christianity updates?

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Silly, our stable genius of a president declared the War on Christmas over. We won!

Trump declares War on Christmas victory: 'It's all merry Christmas again' | Washington Examiner

I used to be active on a talk radio messagboard and became friendly with some actual hosts. What you are describing is pretty standard.

Nationally Syndicated talk show hosts are not going to take any risks and will control the narrative. I can understand why.

What I do enjoy is shows where Callers are allowed to come through unscreened. And on any topic. That can make for a great show but the host does lose control.

Huzzah! Happy Holidays!

I’ve seen Bill Burr on talk shows.

Who is “the horse”

I am sure, if there is a band wagon to jump on, they will dig somebody up

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Shots fired. War on Christmas II starts now.


wow thats a relief i was getting worried. You know what we need? we need a Christmas flamingo thread thats what we need


Allow me to share my small, humble expertise on this…Not having at least some script can blow up in the host’s face…particularly if they don’t like looking bad.

My example: A small humble military radio/tv station in an isolated area. The base commanding officer decided to have a suggestion box AND he was going to read the suggestions on the air. Picks out the first suggestion and reads it outloud “Why don’t we have fromunda cheese?” The End. No more suggestion box, no more reading on the air and the junior officer in charge of the radio/tv station got his butt chewed, even tho he hadn’t been given directions to screen the suggestions.

I have to tell you fromunda cheese is one of my favorite jokes. It’s right up there with Pat McGroin.

Never heard of Starnes myself.

What is the purpose of a free press?

Is it a learned reaction or is it just genetic how so many times people misapply the 1st Amendment in this manner?

The First Amendment says what GOVERNMENT may not do.

It DOES NOT APPLY to a private entity.

You are free to shout that Democrats worship Moloch at the top of your lungs

You are NOT entitled to a private entity’s platform in order to do it.

Do many of you truly not understand this?


Which one didn’t use a pre-interview?

To pay Todd Starnes? No?

The one where he complained about the chair for sure.

They’re firing him, but not any of the other conservative talk show hosts on Fox whose guests have said similarly outlandish stuff?