Racist violence threat keeps Charlottesville schools closed

Are you sure that came out right?

Are you sure you know what it references?

Not at all. I know where it comes from. If I’m the deplorable, who is the psycho?

You’re the deplorable sending racist messages to a Charlottesville school?

Is the psycho justified for what he does to the depolorables sending racist messages to the Charlottesville school in this analogy?

What did the psycho do to the deplorable in this scenario?

It was your analogy. I was just trying to follow along.

I don’t think I ever saw the movie, but I’m culturally aware of what happened to more or less of an extent.

You’re unsure if you’ve ever seen Sleepless in Seattle?

Yep. I’ve never seen that movie. Sorry.

Here’s what I think I know. Meg Ryan’s character is an insomniac. For some reason or another she falls in love with Tom Hanks; I think it involves a hose.

I fear I’m hopelessly lost.

No, not that one. I’m the regular deplorable who loves lib tears.

Dime a dozen.

Donald Trump - Mainstreaming hate since 2016.

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I give him credit. Trump is great at this stuff.

OBAMA relit the scurge of racism along with black lives matter. Tearing down Civil War Monuments did nothing to basically fix a broken race of people, and the intolerance of each other will continue, as its a natural in nature.

Who is the broken race and how did they become broken?

Lololol black lives matter as a hate group lololol