Question to all Bernie's supporters

Gosh, just like Trump…

Yes… There is no liberty in modern liberalism…

Can they kill someone with 1st or 4th?

That sounds like Maryland, except with, you know, liberals.

Yes, political parties have a vested interest in keeping the power to themselves. They will stop at nothing to keep their power. Here is an example of Illinois. The democrats removed the ballot proposal from the voters.

We should pass a law at the federal level requiring all states to have redistricting commissions independent of the legislature. The states that have one seem to be working better than states without.

I do not look at issue as Republican/Democrat. If they align with my policies, I will look to support them. In Illinois, the Democrats were against the proposal. In Michigan, the Republicans were against the proposals. It’s not a party issue. It’s a power issue.

I’m saying that is what is done and not without reason and I don’t always disagree with it. As to voting, I don’t see how that can be justifiably taken away.

Are you saying that someone who commits a crime with a gun should continue to be allowed to own guns after some length of prison or whatever?

Yup. It ain’t no one sided issue that’s for sure.

So people who commit gun crimes don’t lose their second amendment rights? Hell people lose them over drug crimes, or any felony. That’s not my opinion.

Do murderers deny their victims freedom to vote?

My first post!

Yep, so?

It’s not like this is unheard of in the world. Here is a list of countries that allow inmates to vote in elections:

Czech Republic

If a right can be taken away by society, is it really a “right” or just a “privilege?”

If you’re in prison for murdering a voter, it’s the least we can do to take away your right to vote.

If criminals are so passionate to vote, perhaps denying their right-to-vote would deter citizens from committing crimes in the first place.

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And then once you have served your time you get it back.

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Does he not have right to defend himself?

Or are you going to pick what rights they’re allowed?

Not being to get a gun doesn’t take away your right to defend yourself.

Les than 100 years ago leftist tyrants took away people’s guns and killed or enslaved billions of people. That’s a historical blink of an eye.

It’s already the way it is, I’m not doing anything.

All Prisoners Matter!!! All Prisoners Matter!!! All Prisoners Matter!!!

All the Prisoners are probably innocent or shouldn’t even be in Prison anyways.
Whatever they’ve done is probably justifiable some how in the Democratic Politicians
eyes. lol.

If they were promised the votes, I’m sure that Democrat Politicians like Bernie boy Sanders, would allow all Prisoners to go free. lol.

Hey! He’s the Radical Socialist, not me.

The mouse eats the Cheese, The Cat eats the mouse, The dog eats
the Cat, The Wolf eats the dog, but who eats the Wolf?
I do! I do.