Question for Trump Supporters

Excellent post!! It’s not just the 20-30 million who are already here, it’s the million plus who are going flow into the country over the next 4 years. I have asked this before and I’ll ask it again: How much is Medicare for ALL the world who can get can get here cost? Also, how much will it cost to educate and provide housing for all the world’s children that can get here?

Trump has a relentless amount of energy that he applies to getting things done and it’s been that way since he came down the escalator with Melania. If hidin Biden is an indicator of what to expect from him…it’s absolutely nothing…except welcome illegal aliens and pay their way so that they always vote Democrat.

Fair enough. So, you are pleased with the way he has conducted his campaign this year? Nothing you would have changed?

One thing I would have suggested to Trump is to have shut up a lot more in the first debate and allow Biden to talk and hang himself.

Trump is far from perfect but Biden is even further away…and if that’s our choices, Trump wins again.

I agree. I think him refusing to do the second debate also gave Biden a free pass from making a potential game-changing gaffe or mistake.

what did Luntz say?

He also has daughter Ashley.

This will be taught in political science classes for many years forward. And I wonder how much of a factor Jared was in all of this. I have heard multiple times that he is the one calling the shots. One of the things that made me chuckle was hearing that the campaign has spent $1.6M on ads in the D.C. area.
Was that spent just to make Trump happy? Maybe prop him up a bit?

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I could not agree more. And with Kushner, where in the hell is he? 13 days from the election and he is a ghost.

I’d even go a step further - I’d be perfectly open to discuss an expanded social welfare state if ironclad immigration restrictions were in place. It’s not possible to economically sustain what progressives want if the entire world is eligible for it.

The operative word here is everyone else. By far the majority of responders were not Trump supporters. The thread was tailor made for your holier than thou never Trumpers. I simply pointed that out. Remember you invited me! :wink:


Is there anything you wish Trump would’ve done differently in this campaign?

Policy over personality. Trump policies are far superior to anything Biden proposes or anything Obama had.


This is what European countries who have successful healthcare programs do. They can do that if they know who is in and out of the country and everyone is contributing. Our country isn’t homogenous and were even less homogenous in opinions. The sheer size of the U.S. and the amount of people not paying taxes as well as here illegally makes it next to impossible.

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The proof is in the abandoned buildings of former businesses — closed under the Obama Administration because of heavy tax and the regulations.

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It was obvious that neither the former President nor the Vice President had ever run a business or had employees.

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That’s why we have immigrants. They fled the “welfare states.”

If Biden wins, China will own us.

Did thinking in sound bytes come naturally, or did it require effort?