Question for the Critprogs-J6 or J13

Two political violence events. Which one is the greater threat to 'mocracy?

  • January 6, 2021 Assault on the Temple of 'Mocracy
  • July 13, 2024 Assassination attempt on Trump
0 voters

Temple of mocracy is ultimately the house of the people. And no one drug anyone in the courtyard and shot them in the head.

Whereas with this, someone got awfully close to giving Trump a lobotomy. Much more serious.


You weren’t supposed to vote.

The question is for critprogs.

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January 6th will forever be Woke Pearl Harbor.

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I don’t know what a critpfrog is but I don’t think I am one.
The name it’s self creeps me out.
But I have an opinion.

If Jan/6 tresspassers were prosecuted and Trump was held responsible for it too then Biden and the rest of his rats should be prosecuted for enticing an usefull idiot to act yesterday.

If Trump sayin : 'Go fight as hard as you can ‘cos if you don’t you wont have a country’…or something like that, then Biden should be held responsible for this tragedy for saying if Trump, a convicted criminal wins Democracy will die.

So knowing that Biden and the gang will now try to distance them self from all the ugly stuff they spewed.
Just watch what they do now.

Why do only critprogs get to vote. And what the hell is a critprog anyway? :thinking:

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How about they were both perpetrated by crazed Republicans?

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So sensible!

You should consider this a sick burn and mic drop to your parroting DNC talking points…

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Sweet Jesus, you really going to go that route?


Not verified.

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That’s a good question. No idea, so I didn’t vote :wink:


democracy will die? that’s not the worst thing Biden said…

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Yep…that and ‘They’ll put you back in chains’.

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It’s fine.

Nice try.


You know what it is.

I don’t play in made up terms.

I still don’t know what a critprog is, but I bet it is some sort of a derogatory slam against LIBs.

Oh well, I’ll respond but I see no real need to vote as the two events have nothing in common.

The Kennedy assassinations, the attempt on Reagan’s life and now the attempt on Trump’s life are the lone actions of a crazed individual. They represent no threat to our Democracy. Contrast those events with the events that unfolded on January 6th, 2021. They aren’t remotely similar.


made up term for something a poster doesnt like in people.
